Studionbeatime( Episode 1 )

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Lana ( ME! ) : Hello everyone, Welcome to the first episode of ' studionbeatime '. I will be interviewing the students of Studio on Beat. Today I have here 3 students with me. Please help me welcome: Violetta, Leon and Maxi! But first of, We will start with the star of the studio , Violetta!

Violetta: Hey Everyone, Thanks for having me today Lana. I'm very happy to be answering some questions from my fans today * Very Loud Applause *

Lana: The pleasure is all mine, Now, I want to start off with a question of my own. How did you and Leon start dating? * Applause *

Violetta: I like this question, Well 5 month ago in April, I came to school and I heard the song More tears playing so I followed the music until I got to Leon in beto's room. He told me that the song was written for me and that he wrote it to think of me everyday. He told me that he loves me and then we kissed. Then, He asked me to be his girlfriend and I literally shouted Yes because I have been waiting for that moment since the year started. * Loud applause *

Lana: Awwww, That's so cute! Now let's take some questions from the fans. Yes you right there 

Fan from the audience: My name is Rachel I just want to say that I absolutely love you Violetta and that your very pretty and that you have an amazing personality. My question is: How did you know that Leon is the one? 

Violetta: Aww Thank You, Your very pretty too and you seem very sweet. That's my favorite question. I know that Leon is probably watching this from backstage along with everyone else and he will probably answer the question in a very similar way. You know that their the one just by a feeling that you get. You feel very happy when they enter the room, Their voice makes everything alright and their smile can mend your heart. I knew that Leon was the one for me from the very first day. The way that his hand fit perfectly with mine and the way that his eyes shine when he's happy. I just knew that what we had was true and that I loved him more than anything. * Very very loud applause and aww's from the audience and Lana *

Lana: Awwwww, You guys are so cute together! I bet that Leon feels the exact same way too. Next question * Points at a boy around the age of 14 *

Fan fom the audience: Hi, I'm Michael and my question is: How does music make you feel? 

Violetta: Thank you for your question, Music makes everything right. The lyrics can make you happy and the music makes you dance. It just makes you feel so alive and can cheer you up anytime. It's like your in your own world when you have headphones on or when your singing. It just makes you feel happy that you can relate to the lyrics.

Lana: One last question before we move on to our next character, How about you young lady. 

Fan from the audience: I'm Megan, I'm a huge fan of Studio on beat and I have a question for you Violetta: What's one thing that you love other than music?

Violetta: Thank you, That's a very nice question, I love being with my family and my friends. I can be myself in the studio and with my friends and I never feel alone. No matter what, I always feel as if i'm part of a friendship group in the studio and that i'm always sorrounded by the people that I love.

Lana: What a great answer, Thank you so much for coming Violetta, Everybody give it up for Violetta! * Loud applause and shouting from the audience *

Violetta: I loved being here, Hope I can come back some other time, I love you all! * Walks backstage while blowing kisses to the audience *

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