Getting ready with the girlies

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I woke up pretty late the next day. It was 2 pm and I decided to meet up with Ludmi , Fran, Cami and Naty. I called them all and they all said that they will be there as soon as possible. Ludmilla was the first one to come. I opened the door for her when she knocked.

“ Hey Vilu “ She said as she hugged me

“ Hey Ludmi, How are you? “ I asked her as we walked to my room

“ I’m great, How are you? And how’s your head? “ She asked me as we sat on my bed

“ It’s really better, Thanks, and I’m good “ I told her

“ How are you and Leon? “ She asked me

“ We’re great, I actually called you all over because of him but I want to wait til the girls get here so I tell you all at once “ I told her “ How are you and Federico? “ She and Federico started dating before he went back to his country and she is really excited because he’s coming in about 2 weeks.

“ We’re awesome, I can’t wait to see him! “ She said just as the doorbell rang. I ran downstairs and opened the door and Fran was standing there.

“ Hey Fran! “ I said as I hugged her

“ Hey Vilu, I can’t remember the last time we all hanged out “ She said as she walked upstairs. I heard the doorbell ring before I could even take one step on the stairs.

“ Cami! “ I said as she hugged me

“ Hey! “ She said

“ Hey guys! “ I heard Naty say from behind Cami

“ Hey Naty! “ I said as Cami and I hugged her. I locked the door and we all went upstairs. We all exchanged hugs and then we got to the serious bit.

“ Are you guys ready for this? “ I said to them

“ YES! “ The 4 of them shouted

“ Leon and I are going on a real first date tomorrow! “ I shouted

“ OMG! “ Fran shouted

“ Where!?! “ Cami screamed

“ When!?!? “ Naty asked loudly

“ Let us help you prepare! “ Ludmi screamed

“ He said it’s a surprise and he’s picking me up at 7. This is the real first date after we actually became a serious couple “ I said to them

“ It’s 3 now, so there’s still 4 more hours until he picks you up “ Fran said

“ Fran, We all know how to do math “ Naty said as we all laughed

“ And we’re aware of the time “ Cami said to her.

“ Fine then “ Fran said laughing

“ You guys wanna help me choose an outfit? “ I asked them

“ OBVIOUSLY! “ Ludmi screamed

“ YES! “ Cami and fran screamed

“ DUH! “ Naty screamed

“ Come on “ I said as I walked to my closet with all of them following. I held 4 different outfits that I picked out before they came: A pink dress, A dark blue dress, a purple knee dress and a light pink long dress.

“ No for the light pink long dress “ Fran said as they all nodded. She put it back with all the dresses and I continued showing them the dresses.

“ The blue is too short “ Cami said

“ Dude it’s until the knee “ Ludmi said

“ She doesn’t need to show that much skin, You know what that does, it starts with an.. “ Naty said before I cut her sentence by making an announcement.

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