Only you

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I decided to have an off day today so that I can treasure the last day that I spend without seeing Diego. If he finds out that we went on a date, it will be even more drama. I don’t want him to ruin this perfect moment and I know that nothing will tear me and Leon apart. I got a million texts from the girls asking me about yesterday. I told them all the details and they were freaking out on our whatsapp group. I don’t know why we have it titled “ The hotties “. I blame Cami! I heard a knock on the door.

“ Come in! “ I said. Angie came in and then closed the door. She sat in front of me on my bed.

“ So, How was yesterday!?! “ She asked me

“ It was perfect “ I told her. I explained everything with pride and I remembered that I need to check my email for the pictures.

“ Oh my god! You two are so cute! I can’t believe your father let you go though “ She said to me

“ I know! It was the bestest day ever “ I said to her.

“ Go ahead and write it in your diary “ She told me

“ Already did, Every single detail “ I said to her laughing

“ Well, Come down for breakfast in 20 minutes, Okay? “ She said to me as she stood up

“ Okay “ I said to her as she walked out. I got my laptop out from my drawer and typed in my password. My password is “leonvioletta” I know it’s weird but it’s my password for everything! And he has the same password as well! I went on my email ( ) and I checked my inbox. I hadn’t opened my email in ages. I had emails from my friends, from Tomas and from Leon. Wait what?!!? I opened the email from Tomas and I read it:

Hey Vilu,

Your the first to know this but I’m coming to visit sometime in 2 weeks! Probably around the time that Federico comes. I won’t tell you the date exactly because that’s a surprise. I can’t wait to see you all and especially you.




I was shocked that he is coming in 2 weeks. He said that he will come in like 3 month. I don’t know what his reaction will be about Me and Leon, and when he finds out about Diego. He will also find out that Fran and Marco are dating, Cami and Broaduey are dating, and Maxi and Naty are dating. He knows that Ludmilla and Federico are taken though. Andres is dating a girl named Emma. So much has happened since he left and everyone is taken. I opened the email from Leon and I gasped at how pretty the pictures were. I opened an online Album maker website and I dragged all the pictures on it. It took some time but the album looked great. I also made gold coloured keychains for us. His had half a heart and my name on it, and mine had a half a hart and his name on it. I ordered everything and it said that it will arrive in 2 days. The place is nearby so it shouldn’t take so long. I closed my laptop and I went downstairs and had breakfast. Esmeralda, My father, Angie and Ramallo we’re sitting down whilst Olga was serving the food.

“ Morning Vilu “ My dad said as he kissed my cheek

“ Good morning Vilu “ Esmeralda said to me

“ Morning “ Ramallo said to me

“ How was yesterday? “ My dad asked

“ It was very nice and Leon set up a whole hut with lights for us, it was amazing “ I told him

“ That’s so cute! “ Esmeralda said to me. She and my father have been dating for almost 2 years now and it’s so nice to have Jade out of the way.

“ Thank you “ I said to her as I sat down next to Angie

“ Vilu, I was thinking about You, Esmeralda and I going shopping later on “ Angie said to me

“ I said it was a great idea “ Esmeralda said to me

“ Sure “ I said to Angie.

“ And we can buy you a dress for the gathering that your dad is having next weekend “ Angie said to me. My dad was throwing a gathering and he was inviting all his friends and colleagues and it’s kind of like a welcome back party. I invited my friends ( Leon, Fran, Cami, Ludmi, Maxi, Naty, Broaduey, Andres, Marco and Emma ) and i’m not even thinking about inviting Diego even though Marco will surely tell him. Angie was inviting Pablo since they’re dating. I‘m so happy that they’re dating and that Pablo dumped Jackie. She left the studio at the end of last year. I wonder where she is.

“ Yay! “ I said to Angie. I finished my breakfast and then I went up to my room. I did some work on the new song that I’m writing called Only you. I wrote it about Leon and I and about our love. I just need to write a few more lyrics then i’ll be done. I was thinking about singing it to him after I give him his gift.

Only you really understand me

Only you see what I see

You know what to say

And I love your way

It’s you that makes me smile

You make it alright

Only you


I sang the chorus of the song again. I added some more lyrics and then I sang it to myself in my head. I read over the lyrics and it was done!

“ We’re gonna go now Vilu “ Angie said as she came into my room


“ Geez thanks for knocking “ I said to her

“ Sorry sweetie “ She said as she walked out. I looked at the clock next to me and it was 2 pm. I put on a white shirt with anchors on it, Black jeans and a beige jacket. I put on brown converse and then I put on some pink lipstick. I put some mascara and blusher on and then I went downstairs. I got into the car and Esmerelda drove us to the Mall.

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