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I went on the search of finding Cami and Fran and eventually, I found them walking outside. I ran to them and they looked confused and worried at the same time.

“ What happened Vilu? “ Cami asked

“ You look terrified and sad “ Fran said. I explained it all once again and they both gasped at the end.

“ Those little jerks! “ Cami said loudly

“ Who knows other than us? “ Fran asked me

“ I told Maxi just like a minute ago “ I told them

“ You didn’t even tell Leon! Or Pablo! Or talk to Diego! “ Cami said

“ You have to tell Leon at least “ Fran said

“ He won’t believe me “ I said looking at the ground

“ So your saying that your boyfriend won’t believe you but will believe the guy that he hates more than anything? “ Fran said

“ No, I _ “ I started but Fran cut me off

“ Go talk to him “ Fran said

“ What's the worst that could happen Vilu? “ Cami said

“ Well I guess you guys are right “ I said to them

“ There’s Leon right there! “ Fran said as they both pointed behind me. I turned around to see Leon walking towards us.

“ Good luck “ Cami said as they both walked away. I took in a deep breath and then I turned around. I came face to face with Leon. Well more like face to chin since he’s 1.80 meters and i’m 1.65 meters . I smiled a fake smile at him and he knew straight away that something was wrong.

“ What’s wrong Vilu? “ He asked really worried. I looked at him and then suddenly, Courage hit me. I held on to it and hoped that it will grow.

“ Can we go somewhere private and quiet? “ I asked him

“ Um sure, we can go to Beto’s room “ He said. I nodded and I followed him to the music class. We sat on two chairs there and closed the door. He looked at me waiting for me to speak. I tried to make it seem the less way confusing as possible.

“ Well, Diego and I showed Gregorio our dance after class, then Gregorio wanted to speak to Diego in private. I went outside and I heard my name so I listened to their conversation and it turned out that Gregorio wanted Diego to surprise me and kiss me at the end of the dance. Diego didn’t agree but Leon told him that he is doing this partly because he has always hated you and Diego agreed because of that “ I said finishing off

“ This is a joke, right? “ Leon said looking at me

“ I wish “ I said looking at the ground

“ Wait, You’re actually serious? “ Leon said worried and angry

“ Yes Leon “ I said to him

“ I’m going to break his neck! “ Leon said as he got up but I pulled me down

“ Gregorio or Diego? “ I asked

“ Diego “ Leon said simply. I heard the door open so I looked at the door faster than anything I have ever done before. Standing there, with a grin on his face, was no other than Diego. I looked at Leon, Who had his hands turned into fists. He kept looking at Diego and Diego broke the silence.

“ I heard my name, I was coming in to get some papers to write on “ He said smiling “ Why did you say my name Leon? “

“ He said your name because I asked him who he thinks is the best guitarist in the studio “ I said lying

“ I said Leon not Violetta but I am the best guitarist though “ He said as he grabbed some papers then smiled and left the music room.

“ Guitarist? Really? “ Leon asked me

“ Sorry! I had no other thought in my mind! “ I said to him

“ Why were you thinking of guitars? “ He asked me. If he meant it because Diego is a guitarist or because of Tomas then no.

“ Because, I was thinking about learning how to play the guitar “ I said to him

“ Speaking of Guitars, Have you spoken to Tomas about us? “ He asked me curious

“ Thanks for reminding me, I have to tell him “ I told Leon

“ Okay now back to Diego, What are you going to do? “ Leon asked me

“ I’m not going to do anything, At the end of the song, I’m going to walk off stage before he does anything “ I said to him

“ That’s a good idea “ Leon said to me

“ Thanks “ I said to him

“ I’ll see you tomorrow? “ He said to me

“ Yeah “ I said to him as he kissed my cheek. “ Bye Leon “

“ Bye Vilu “ He said as he walked out of the music class and went to his singing class. I didn’t have any other classes so I just went home.

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