Advice and Announcements

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Leon and I were walking to the studio together. We grabbed some drinks from Restoband before continuing our path to the studio. We reached the studio and Fran came running to us.

“ Hey lovers! We are all planning to throw a party for all the teachers at the studio. It will be a few days before school finishes. We will all perform a group song and we will create a speech to say as a group. It’s a surprise though so shh “ She said to us

“ That’s a great idea! “ Leon and I said at the same time

“ I know right, we’ll talk more about it soon, Pablo wants us all to go the assembly area because he has an announcement “ She said to us before we all walked to that area.

“ Thank you all for being here on time students. I have an announcement to make. It is something huge and very important. To honour your last year here, there will be a big show. “ Pablo said to us all before everybody starts screaming and cheering.

“ Settle down everybody, It is now January 2 and the event is booked on February 2 which gives us exactly 1 month to rehearse and practice. I think that is quite a little time to create a whole show. Anyways, Angie will now explain the parts of the show. “ Antonio said to us all whilst smiling a wide smile.

“ This is a huge deal everybody. It will be held in the grand theater and there is exactly 8,500 seats in that place. Anyways, there will be a show beginning of course and that will be the theme song of the studio. After that, it will be group songs starting with ‘ All for you ‘ . Then, there will be a special performance by someone very special. Then there will be solo’s and dance routines. Everyone will then end the show by singing a song of your choice with a great dance routine. “ Angie said. Everybody started cheering very loudly.

“ Now, the special performance will be by... Do you guys want to know? “ Beto said to us

“ YES! “ Everybody in the room screamed

“ It will be Alex Martins! “ Beto screamed. Everybody started screaming at the mention of the very famous 22 year old, american celebrity.

“ Oh my gosh! “ Ludmilla screamed

“ I can barely breath! “ Fran said jumping up and down

“ He’s so hot! “ Naty screamed getting a nudge from Maxi and a laugh from Cami

“ He will be here at the studio tomorrow at this exact time. He will also help you with dance moves. Today, we will be choosing the final song. Any ideas? “ Antonio said to us all

“ How about Clarity by Zedd? “ I suggested.

“ Yes! “ Everybody beside me screamed

“ Thanks for the contribution Violetta, So are we all agreeing for that song? “ Pablo asked

“ Yes! “ Everybody screamed again

“ Well then it’s Clarity, We will start rehearsals with Alex tomorrow. See you all then “ He said

“ I can’t believe THE Alex is coming “ Fran said as she walked towards Leon and I

“ I love him so much “ Naty said walking to us as well

“ You kinda made that clear a while ago “ I said to her

“ Let’s all go to restoband? “ Maxi said to us all. Everybody screamed yeah but I was distracted by something else. Leon nudged me and I looked up at him.

“ Is something wrong? “ He asked me

“ No no, Nothing’s wrong “ I said to him smiling

“ Let’s go then “ Federico said to us all

“ You guys go and have fun. I’ll stay here, I need to do something important. I’ll catch up with you in 20 minutes, I promise. “ I said to them all smiling

“ See you then, Let’s go guys “ Andres said to us all.

“ Call me if anything happens, we’ll talk later “ Leon said as he walked away. I smiled and then sighed as I turned around.

“ Hi “ I said as I turned around

“ Thanks for agreeing to chat with me “ He said to me

“ No problem, what did you want to talk about, Diego? “ I said to him

“ Let’s go somewhere quiet “ He said as he walked to the dance room in front of me. He sat down on the floor with his knees against his chest.

“ What’s wrong? “ I asked him

“ Well Julie and I have been dating for almost 1 month now. I really love her with all my heart but.. “ He said to me

“ But what? “ I said mentally laughing at what I just said. Focus Violetta. You have a friend in need of help!

“ I just found out last night that she has a guy best friend who has a crush on her. They used to date a year ago and he is still in love with her even though he cheated on her before. He keeps trying to talk to her and since he’s at her school, he’s with her all the time. I’m scared that she will leave me for him Violetta.. “ He said looking into my eyes

“ Diego, As hard as that may seem, She’s with you and not with whatever his name is “ I said to him

“ His name is Mike and any girl would dump me for him “ He said looking down at his knees

“ Looks are nothing. Does he really know how to treat a girl? Why would she still be with you if she wants him? You have to just believe that she wants you. How about you do something romantic? I saw the way she looked at you in my party. “ I said to him

“ But if she leaves me, I’ll ever be happy again “ He said to me

“ Think positive, How about you take her for a picnic? “ I said to him

“ That’s a great idea! Thank you so much! Please don’t tell anyone “ He said as he hugged me

“ No need to thank me, and I won’t trust me “ I said to him

“ Well I have to go home now “ He said to me

“ I have to go to restoband anyways so see you tomorrow! “ I said as I walked away. I decided to visit my mum after Restoband.

“ Why did you take so long? “ Fran asked as I walked to their table

“ Got caught up, Sorry “ I said as I grabbed a chair and sat in between Leon and Federico. We all chatted for a very long time and I eventually went home and rested before practice tomorrow..

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