Authors Note <3

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Hey guys,

I am truly sorry for the long time with no updating. In all honesty, I had writers block and I was going through rough times in my life. Thank you though for all the nice comments and all the support you guys gave me! I would like to ask you guys some questions and it would mean a lot to me if you could answer them in the comments below <3

1. Would you like a sequel for this book? or do you want a couple more chapters on this book and then the end?

2. I have already planned a lot for a sequel if I make one, but, I want to know if any girls want a part in the story because I am looking for two girls that want to be in the story with some great parts!

3. What is something you want in the story to happen? For Example, you could write a song you want in the show, something to happen to Alex for being a jerk towards Leon, something to happen before or after the surgery, just say anything!

Follower of the week is: @MichaelAcquahallotey

Please follow him because he has given sent me some really sweet messages that have really been the main reason for me to update and make three new chapters.

Thank you guys!!

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