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( Skip to Sunday )

My weekend was just me staying in the house. Fran came over for about 2 hours yesterday and we just talked about Marco, Leon and we played truth or dare even though we’re only two people. I put on a gray short sleeve shirt and then I tucked it into a flowery skirt. I put on a hot pink belt and new brown ankle boots and then I grabbed my pink bag. I kept my hair curled and down and then I went to the studio. I walked straight to the stage just as Pablo started the introduction.

“ Welcome everyone, Today Angie’s groups are going to be performing their acoustic songs. Let’s start with Class one. “ He said just as a group from another class went up and played the song Dark Horse by Katy Perry. The other group then played Team by Lorde.

“ That was brilliant Class one, Now let’s go on to Class two. “ He said just as Fran, cami, Maxi and Broaduey went up on stage and played their song. When they finished, Marco took the guitar from Broaduey and walked in front of us to the stage. We started playing the clapping and Stomping and then we sang our way through the song. I saw Diego standing by the door smiling at me. I looked to my side and I saw that Leon took notice of him as well. When the song finished, I saw Diego signaling me to come to him. I walked outside of the stage room just as everybody else did. I saw Diego standing in a corner near the main entrance so I went to him.

“ It must be hard to perform with him after he broke your heart, right? “ He said to me

“ About that, we made up and it was Lara who made the video “ I told him

“ Isn’t that the girl in the video? “ He asked me

“ Yah, She just wanted to break us apart “ I told him

“ Well I have to go to my next class now so i’ll see you later “ He said as he walked away. I saw Leon walking towards a bench by Beto’s room so I walked to him.

“ Leon, I need to tell you something “ I told him as he sat down. I stayed standing up in front of him.

“ Sure, Do you wanna go outside? “ He asked me as he put away his phone.

“ Um sure “ I said as I walked outside with him walking behind me.

“ Do you want to walk or sit down? “ He asked me

“ Sit down “ I told him as we walked to a bench under a big tree

“ Go ahead “ He said smiling at me

“ Wellisawanemailfromtomasyesterdaysaying “ I said very fast

“ Wo, Slow down Vilu “ He said laughing

“ Okay, Well I saw an email from Tomas yesterday saying that he’s coming this tuesday in the morning and that he’s going to visit us in the studio. He said that he can’t wait to make me his again. He said that he doesn’t know how long he’s staying but that he hopes that he stays long enough for us to work out again “ I told him looking at the ground

“ Vilu, Let’s make a promise that nothing will change between us when he comes, Okay? And if he bothers you, Just call me and I’ll beat him up for you “ He said to me

“ I promise , and I need to tell him and Diego that I know about their plan “ I told him

“ I promise as well, Tell him as soon as you can so he stays away from you “ Leon told me

“ Thanks, I’ll see you tomorrow “ I said as I walked home. I sat in bed thinking about what to tell Tomas. What if he tries to kiss me? What if he decides to live here again!?!?! I need to get him a distraction so he doesn’t bother Leon and I. I texted Leon saying:

“ Let’s go somewhere this wednesday night? “

He texted me back in a few minutes saying:

“ How about we have a picnic at 2? “

I texted him back saying:

“ Can’t Wait “

I put my phone to charge and I did some work on my song Only You. I think i’m ready to show Leon. Maybe i’ll show him Tuesday since it’s a day before our date. I still need to practice it on the piano while singing it perfectly. I heard my phone ring so I went to where it was charging. It was Fran.

Me: Hey Fran

Fran: Hey, I was thinking about having a sleepover party this weekend

Me: Sure, How about at my house this Friday Night?

Fran: K, I’ll tell all the girls, Toodles

Me: Toodles

I heard a knock on the door and my father came in.

“ Hey Vilu, You never asked about my party that was supposed to be yesterday “ He said

“ Oh my god! I forgot! What happened to the party!? “ I asked

“ Don’t worry, The date was changed to this Thursday and Ramallo called all your friends “ My dad told me

“ Thanks “ I told him

“ Tomas’ father called and told me that he’s visiting? “ My dad told me

“ Yah he’s coming Tuesday “ I told him

“ Oh okay, Do you want to come with me tomorrow to pick up Federico from the airport at 2? “ He said to me

“ I forgot about Fede! Of course I’ll come! “ I told him

“ As soon as you get back from class, Get dressed then I’ll come straight from work and take you “ He said

“ Okay “ I said as he kissed my forehead

“ Love you “ He said to me

“ I love you too “ I said as he walked outside smiling. So many things this week! Fede, Tomas, Sleepover, Date, Party and showing Leon the song! I added everything to my wall calender then I laid down in bed. I decided to have a surprise party for Federico as soon as he gets back. I called Ludmilla, Leon, Fran, Cami, Maxi, Marco, Broaduey, Emma and told them to come tomorrow at 3. I asked my dad and he was okay with it. I fell asleep looking forward for tomorrow...

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