You'll never guess what's around the corner

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Today was a very ordinary day at school. Diego was absent for a reason, We had normal classes, Some other kids performed duets to us, Leon and I talked about our relationship and I hung out with Fran and Cami after school at Resto Band. I went home and had dinner with the family.

“ How are you and Leon doing? “ Esmeralda asked me

“ Good “ I said to her smiling

“ How are his parents? “ My father asked me

“ They’re great “ I told him

“ He doesn’t have any siblings does he? “ Angie asked me

“ Nope “ I told her. We had dinner then we I went up to my room. My phone rang and it was an unknown number. I was confused but curious.

“ Hello? “ I asked

“ Hey Vilu  “ I heard a man say. It sounded familiar but I couldn’t put my finger on it.

“ Um Sorry but do I know you? “ I asked

“ I forgot to give you my number or introduce myself, It’s Diego “ He said

“ Diego how the heck did you get my number? “ I asked him

“ I stole Marco’s phone but that’s not why I’m calling “ He said

“ Then Why are you calling? “ I asked

“ Didn’t you notice the studio seeming a little boring without me? “ He asked me

“ Not really “ I said to him

“ I was wondering if you want to go somewhere with me so we can talk “ He said

“ Diego “ I said but he cut me off

“ Before you say no, This isn’t about Leon and just forget about him for today “ Diego said to me

“ Why would I forget about him? “ I asked him

“ Well you should get used to it because your going to forget him soon and all you’re gonna care about is our relationship “ He said. Omg.

“ Diego if you called me just to make up some damn lies like that then bye “ I told him

“ Violetta wait! “ He said

“ What is it now? “ I asked him

“ Meet me in 20 minutes in Resto band, If you don’t come then you won’t be able to hear the news that I need to tell you, Bye “ He said as he hung up.

What the heck. What’s the news? Is it worth it? 5 minutes passed with me still unsure of an answer. 10 minutes. 12 minutes.

“ What do I have to lose “ I said as I got up and put on a tiffany blue skirt, A light peach shirt, Beige boots and a blue belt. I grabbed my purse and I went downstairs.

“ Where are you going? “ My dad asked as he came out of his office

“ I’m going to Resto Band “ I told him

“ Be back before night, I love you “ He said as he kissed my forehead. I smiled at him and I walked outside. Why does he always kiss my forehead? I walked to Resto band and I heard a voice by an alleyway before I could enter the restaurant. I stood by the wall and I was dead silent.

It's time ( A Violetta Fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now