A visit to remember

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( Next morning )

I walked downstairs and saw my dad sitting on the couch by himself.

“ Morning “ I said to him

“ Good morning honey “ He said as he stood up and kissed my forehead.

“ About the form “ I said as I sat down when he did

“ I’m sorry about yesterday, I’m just going to miss you so much, Your growing up and soon you’re not even going to need me “ He said to me

“ That’s not true! I’ll always need you because your the best person in this whole entire world. The day when I stop needing you will never ever come “ I said to him smiling

“ You always know what to say, Let’s read the form together “ My dad said

“ Rule number one: Student must arrive to classes on time. If a student is late to more than 5 classes a week, they will be sent to the principal’s office. Rule number two: Student must be in one sorority and they have the ability to choose which one on the rotation day. Rule number three: The student must take 7 classes exactly in total. Rule number 4: Student must be present on the first day for the rotation and introduction. Rule number 5: Student must not be involved in any fight. Rule number 6: Student can only visit their parents on weekends due to the long drive back. Ruler number 7: Student must be in the room by 11 pm on school days and 1 am on weekends. Rule number 8: Student must have a great Year! More rules will be introduced on the first day of college and in assembly. “ My dad read

“ Do I have to sign it as well? “ I said to him

“ Yes, you, and both parents “ My dad said his smile fading away and his voice getting quieter as he read the last two words. I could see the sadness in his eyes and he could see the sadness in my eyes.

“ Esmeralda could sign it “ I said to him

“ But we’re not married yet “ He said to me

“ She or Angie can sign it, I’ll sign it then i’m gonna go for a walk “ I said to him as I took the pen from his hand and signed my name.

“ Be back by lunch! “ He said as I opened the door

“ I will! “ I said as I walked out. It was 11 am which means I have an hour before lunch is served. I went to my mum’s tombstone and I sat down beside it.

“ Mum, I have great news “ I said. My phone vibrated loudly. “ One second “ I said as I answered the call


“ Hello? “ I said since I still didn’t see the caller ID

“ It’s Leon “ I heard him say. A smile formed on my lips.

“ Oh hey “ I said to him

“ What are you doing? “ He said to me

“ I’m visiting my mum “ I said to him

“ Should I come? “ He said to me

“ Sure but I have to be home in an hour “ I said to him

“ I’ll be right there “ He said and then he hung up.

“ So as I was saying, Leon and I are good now, Tomas left and has a date tomorrow, Diego has a new girlfriend, Dad and I just signed the college form. I’m going to college on beat! I want to be a singer and a singing teacher when I grow up. Thank you for making me realise that singing is my passion. I just wish I had some form of memory of you and I being together. I was 4 when you left so I don’t remember anything. Esmeralda is really nice but no one can replace you. I hope that dad can be happy again because I hear cries from his room every night. I feel so bad for being so mean to him all the time. He had to raise a daughter by himself and it was his first kid so he didn’t know that much. Leon is amazing. He means the world to me. I just can’t imagine life without him, I love him so much. “ I said to my mum

“ I love you so much too “ I heard a voice say from behind me. I turned around and Leon was walking to me smiling

“ How much of that did you hear? “ I asked him smiling

“ I heard it from when you we’re talking about your dad “ He said to me

“ Oh, and you didn’t say anything to warn me that you’re there “ I said to him laughing

“ Warn you? “ He said

“ I might have said something personal “ I said to him

“ Oh Please, I know everything there is to know about you “ He said as he sat down beside me

“ Cheesy “ I said to him

“ So how are you? “ He said to me

“ Great, Tomas emailed me and said he has a date tomorrow, and Diego has a girlfriend so we can finally be together in peace “ I said to him

“ Great, Did you sign the form? “ He said to me

“ Yah, my dad’s signing it, I didn’t know that we had to be in a sorority “ I said to him

“ That reminds me, Antonio sent us emails this morning about the sororities “ Leon said to me

“ Show me “ I said to him as he took out his phone

“ Okay there is a popular sorority, There is the band geeks, there is the music historians, There is the cheerleaders, and there is music composers. “ He said to me

“ Who runs them? “ I asked him

“ A teacher runs each one, I want to join the popular sorority “ He said to me

“ I like the idea for the cheerleaders, it’s like singing and dancing “ I said to him

“ It’s only for girls, we’ll see on the day of the rotation. Do you know that there are also art and sport activities? I wish that there is a sorority for the sport ones “ He said to me

“ Anyways, I have to get going now, I’ll see you on sunday “ I said to him

“ I’ll walk you home “ He said as he walked with me towards my house. We reached there and I said bye to him and went and had lunch.

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