Authors Note!

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16,466 READS!! OMG THANK U SO MUCH! JUST BEFORE I REVEAL SOMETHING ABOUT THE SEQEUL I WANNA POINT OUT SMTHING. A reader recently mentioned to me that there is another book named finding the memories that I had no idea existed. My friend helped me choose the name so I didn't know that there was another book and neither did she. I changed the name of the sequel to: Looking past the memories. Do you guys like it or should I change it? Let me know down below plz.

Now for the moment that you have all been waiting for! In the sequel, There will be a worldwide tour! That is a huge surprise and it will happen in about the middle of the book. You guys already know that there will be sororities and that Violetta may be in the cheerlead squad. Will she be good at it? What do you think?

Do you guys want another clue? How about 17,000 before sunday for a bigger clue!! And trust me, the next clue is way more important and it will be a big shocker!!

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