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I woke up the next day and the time written digitally on my alarm clock near my bed caught all of my attention. The time was 6:35! Oh my god! I’m going to be late! I dashed to the bathroom and then I dashed back to my room. I chose a pink skirt with a cute short sleeve black flowery top that had a brown collar. I put on my light pink ankle boots and then put on some very light makeup. I picked out a light pink purse the same colour as the boots from my drawer and then I ran downstairs.

“ Vilu, Come eat “ My dad said as I was on the last step. He was sitting on the kitchen table with Esmeralda, Ramallo and Angie.

“ Sorry dad, It’s 6:50, I’m already late, c’mon Angie “ I said as I walked towards the door with Angie following.

“ Here you go my love “ Olga said to me as she handed me a pink container that had fruits, a chocolate bar and some crackers inside of it.

“ Thank you Olga “ I said as I smiled at her and then walked outside. Angie and I walked to school and I got to school at 7:07 am. I walked to Gregorio’s room and Diego wasn’t even there.

“ Where is he? “ I said as I walked back and forth.

“ Looking for me, Beautiful? “ He said from behind me. I turned around and rolled my eyes.

“ Where were you? “ I asked him ignoring what he said

“ I was talking to Pablo “ He said to me

“ Let’s start “ I told him

“ Before we start, I think we should talk about us “ He said to me. What the hell?!?

“ Diego, there is no us “ I stated

“ You can keep denying but you can’t hide the truth “ He said smiling

“ Diego, If your not gonna stop, I’m gonna leave right now “ I told him getting angry

“ Okay then, We will leave that for another time “ He said as he started the music. We worked on the parts that we did last class.

“ Okay I thought that we could to this “ I showed him as I showed him a move where you turn around and clap your hands. We did it together and then we worked on some other moves and we were done!

“ Yay! We’re done! “ I said as I high fived him

“ Let’s do it a few more times perfectly “ He said as we did the dance move like 5 more times. At a part when we had to slide to the right, my laces we’re untied, so I tripped and hit my head on the wooden hard floor.

“ Oh my god! Are you okay!?!? “ Diego asked me.

“ No, My head really hurts “ I told him.

“ Shit, It’s bleeding, I’m gonna call Pablo and i’ll be right back “ He told me as he walked out

“ Call Leon! “ I shouted before he walked out. After a minute or so, I heard running coming from outside and I looked up to see all my friends and all the teachers there.

“ Violetta! “ Leon said as he picked me up.

“ What happened!? “ Pablo said to me

“ She tripped and her laces were untied so she hit her head on the hard floor “ Diego said for me.

“ Your head is pouring blood! “ Angie said in terror

“ Someone go get her some tissues quickly! “ Antonio said to no one in particular. I saw Francesca, Camilla, Ludmilla and Naty run outside.

“ C’mon let’s take you to the nurse “ Pablo said as he held my hand from one side and Leon held my other hand. They took me to the studio nurse, Mrs.Allen, and the nurse had to wrap it. She also dried off most of the blood but the wrap on my head became red very quickly.

“ Okay Violetta, Be very careful, And change the bandages every 4 hours, Here are some wraps, You can go home, but give this slip to Pablo, I hope you get well very very soon “ She said smiling at me. Her blond hair glowed in the sun and her hazel eyes were filled with loyalty.

“ Thank you very much “ I said as I smiled at her. I gave Pablo the note and then I walked home. I spent the day relaxing and the girls came over to hang out and so did Leon. I got a text from Diego saying:

“ Hey Vilu, I really hope you get better, It would be better if we don’t practice tomorrow and after tomorrow because of your head, I wish you a speedy recovery “  

Awww, How sweet of him. I texted him back saying:

“ Hey Diego, How sweet of you. Thanks alot. I will probably be better after tomorrow so we can practice then “

He texted me back saying:

“ Anytime Vilu, See you tomorrow xx “

I decided to go to school tomorrow as usual. I fell asleep with Diego on my mind...

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