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( Skip to New years )

“ Violetta! Come down please! “ My dad screamed from downstairs. I fixed my tiffany blue dress and then I looked into my mirror.

“ You just need to meet Diego’s girlfriend, Celebrate with the family, and have fun! After all it is a new year’s party! “ I said to myself before I opened my room door and headed for the stairs. Click Click. My beige high heels were clicking on the stairs as I made my way downstairs. I looked down and everyone was looking at me gasping. I looked around and found Leon smiling at me. I saw Diego standing next to a pretty brunette. I walked towards Leon and he kissed me on the cheeks. He was wearing a fancy black suit with a tiffany blue tie coincidentally matching my dress.

“ Wow, our ties match “ I said laughing

“ I guess it’s true love, do you know that about 8 month ago, we started dating? “ He said to me

“ Yep, May 2, 2014 “ I said to him as we both laughed

“ May I have this dance? “ He said as slow music started playing

“ Yes, you may “ I said as I placed my hands on his shoulder. He placed his hands on my waist and we danced together. As soon as the song ended, Diego and who I assume was his girlfriend, walked over to us.

“ Hey guys, This is my girlfriend Julie, Julie, This is Violetta and this is Leon “ He said

“ Nice to meet you “ I said to her as I shook her hand smiling

“ It’s really nice to finally meet Diego’s friends “ She said smiling. She seems really nice and she’s cute. Good job Diego!

“ What time is it? “ Diego asked

“ It’s 11:57 “ Leon answered checking his watch

“ Lets go and get ready for the countdown Julie, see you guys “ He said as they both walked away smiling

“ Their so cute together “ I said to Leon

“ But “ Leon said waiting for me to say something else

“ We’re the cutest! “ I said as we both laughed

“ That’s my girl “ He said smiling. A few seconds later, my dad spoke into the microphone placed in a corner of a room.

“ Attention everyone! New years is in 2 minutes! “ He said as everyone clapped “ The countdown will begin very shortly “ He continued then he pulled out his phone as everyone went back to their conversations.

“ This is going to be great “ Leon said to me

“ What? “ I said to him

“ You’ll have to wait and see “ He said to me

“ Let’s start everyone! 59,58....48,47...37, 36...25,24.... “ My dad said as everyone counted out loud together. I felt Leon hold my hand then drag me near the dining table, where no one was.

“ Leon what are you doing? “ I asked him as I looked into his eyes

“ 13,12.. “ Everyone continued

“ Violetta “ He said to me

“ 9,8,7,6,5.. “ Everyone continued

“ I love you “ He said to me

“ I love you too “ I said to him

“ 2,1.. Happy new years! “ Everyone said and at the exact same time, Leon’s lips crashed into mine. A while later, we both broke the kiss and stood there, hand in hand and eye to eye.

“ What was that for? “ I asked him

“ I wanted to show you that I just kissed you from 2014 to 2015 and I am willing to do it for many more years “ He said smiling

“ Cheesy “ I said as I grabbed his hand and walked us back to the main room. Leon and I danced some more, I talked to Fran, Cami, Maxi, Marco and Federico for a bit, and I talked to Julie for a bit. She is apparently auditioning for college on beat and she is a professional guitar player. Awww! She and Diego can play together! Just like me and Leon! But he is way better than me! A few hours later, everyone went home after they all wished me a happy birthday. Leon gave me another kiss before wishing me the best birthday. I went to my room and changed into my pyjamas.

“ Did you have fun? “ My dad said after he knocked and came in

“ The best day ever “ I said to him

“ Happy birthday my love, As I promised you, Tomorrow morning, I will take you to your drivers test. I can’t believe my baby is finally 18 “ He said to me

“ Aww “ I said as I walked up to him and hugged him

“ I’ll wake you up tomorrow, Sleep well Vilu, and happy birthday once again “ He said to me

“ Thanks, I love you, Good night “ I said to him

“ Nighty, Sleep tight and don’t let the bedbugs bite “ He said as he laughed and walked out. I fell asleep soon thinking about my drivers test and if i’ll get my license...

It's time ( A Violetta Fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now