Surprise Visitor

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“ Hi Fede “ I said as he walked into the room

“ Hey, how are you? “ He said to me

“ Did the doctor tell you? “ I said to him

“ Yah, I’m going to ask your dad if I can sleep here tonight “ He said. Aww.

“ You don’t have to “ I said to him

“ I do, Listen, I talked to Leon, Diego and Tomas “ He said to me.

“ What did they say!?! “ I said as I suddenly sat up. He explained everything and I almost cried when he talked about Leon.

“ I feel terrible, he’s right, I didn’t tell him “ I said to him

“ Don’t feel terrible, he didn’t even give you the chance to talk, He’s in class right now, but I bet that he’s going to visit soon “ He said to me

“ Thanks for the information, and he would never visit me “ I said to him feeling sad

“ Vilu.. “ He said but he was cut off by the sound of the door opening

“ Hey Vilu “ The doctor said

“ Hi “ I said to him

“ Your surgery has been changed to 6 pm, We told your dad, If all goes well, you will be able to leave by tomorrow evening and not night “ He said to me

“ Thanks for letting me know “ I said. I’m scared..

“ No problem, I’m going to go now, by the way, one of your friends is in the lobby “ He said to me. Who? LEON!

“ Who!?!? “ Me and Federico said at the same time.

“ I don’t know her name, she has brown hair and is quite short, I’ll send her in “ He said as he walked outside

“ None of my friends have brown hair and are short? “ I said to Federico

“ I thought it was Leon “ Federico said

“ Me too “ I said as the door opened

“ Hey Vilu, I heard about what happened to you, i’m really sorry that I couldn’t come yesterday, I had a road trip with my parents, I asked them to drive me back as soon as I found out “ She said

“ You’re so sweet Lara! Thanks for coming! “ I said to her as she sat on the opposite side of Federico

“ No problem! How are you feeling? “ She said to me

“ Feeling better, I’m going to have a surgery in 3 hours time “ I said to her

“ Federico, Can me and Violetta be alone please? “ She said to him

“ Sure, If you need anything, I’ll be in the cafeteria “ He said as he walked out of the room.

“ I heard about you and Leon, I’m really sorry “ She told me

“ How do you know? “ I said to her

“ I saw the video “ She said to me

“ Oh “ I said to her speechless

“ This was all because of him, am I correct? “ She said to me. I nodded and I tried to find some words to explain what I want to say.

“ It’s all my fault, I didn’t tell him and I didn’t push Tomas away fast enough “ I said to her looking down. She held my hand and looked at me.

“ Vilu, Don’t ever say that again, He loves you “ She said to me

“ Thanks, but Federico talked to him “ I told her and then I explained to her what happened between him and Federico.

“ But he said he loves you “ She said to me

“ But I hurt him “ I said to her

“ Stop thinking about the negative things, He forgave you before and he will do it again “ She said to me

“ Hey “ Federico said as he walked back in

“ Hey, Perfect timing, I have to go to the motorbike cross, One of my riders named Alex, has a competition “ She said

“ See you soon, Thanks for coming “ I said to her

“ Love you “ She said as she walked out

“ I’m going to sleep for like 3 hours before the surgery “ I said to Federico

“ I’ll go back to the studio and tell the others, I’ll be back in 2 and a half hours to support you before the surgery “  He said to me

“ Thanks “ I said to him

“ No problem, bye! “ He said as he walked out. I went into a deep sleep...

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