Surprise much?

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" Violetta! I'm so glad you're okay " Alex Martins said as he walked in and closed the door behind him

" What are you doing here? " Francesca said getting up from her seat

" This is all your fault, you're the reason my girlfriend needs surgery! " Leon said getting up quickly

" Woah dude, calm yourself " Alex said walking to the other side of my bed

" How are you Vilu, what's this about a surgery? "

" You did this on purpose, just so she wouldn't dance next to me in the show! " Leon said walking towards Alex

" Leon please " I said my voice shaky

" I think you should just leave " Federico said standing next to Leon

" Are you guys this childish? How was I supposed to know she would fall down and break a bone? " Alex said turning around and facing me

" What part of get out do you not understand? " Leon said

" I think you're the one who should leave actually " Alex said

" Alex, I think it's best if you go " I said quietly

" So you're taking their side? You think I did this on purpose? " Alex said looking at me

" That's not what I said, All I was saying is that I need some time alone with my friends " I said to him

" She doesn't need to explain anything to you " Maxi said

" Now get the fuck out of here " Leon said. I was taken back by Leon's use of bad words. Leon never swears, and if he does, you know he's seriously pissed.

" You should really get over yourself " Alex said pointing at Leon

" And you should learn to keep your mouth shut " Leon said closing the door after Alex walked out

" Vilu " My dad said walking in

" What happened? " I asked

" Your surgery day has been written down to happen tomorrow at 8 pm " My dad said to me. I felt my heart beating faster and faster. Did I ever mention, I am really scared of surgeries and hospitals in general. When I was 10 years old, I needed a surgery in my arm, the doctors had to like hold me down so that they could start the surgery.

" Tomorrow? " I said my eyes watering all over again

" Yes tomorrow, you will be awake but you won't be able to feel anything my love. You will only sleep here tonight but I'll sleep right on the couch next to you " My dad sitting on the edge of my bed

It's time ( A Violetta Fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now