Alex Martins

667 19 4

( Next morning )

I walked to the studio with Angie and we reached just in time as Pablo started talking.

“ Good morning everybody, As we said yesterday, Alex Martins is indeed here today to help you guys with the choreography. He is also a singer as you guys know so he will be working with one person each day. We will start tomorrow with Violetta. Anyways, He will be working with you to create a dance for the song on beat first.

“ Hello everyone “ A voice said from the doorway that caused us all to turn our head in curiousity.

“ Oh my gosh! It’s Alex, it really is! “ Everybody started screaming. He walked in and stood on the stage. He had a brown quiff and light green eyes. He smiled at us all as he started talking.

“ I am really glad to be here today. I enjoy choreographing dances and helping students with their vocals. Maybe we could all sing my latest hit sometime. “ He said smiling

“ Thank you Alex. The first session with him will start in 10 minutes. You will all be participating in that class so be in the dance room then. “ Gregorio said to us all. Afterwards, everyone walked outside and I stayed with Alex. Cami and Fran did as well so we introduce ourselves.

“ Hi i’m Francesca, these are my friends Camilla and Violetta “ Fran said to him as he stood with his elbows against the piano. He smiled at us all and then spoke.

“ It’s a pleasure to meet you all, I look forward to dancing and singing with you guys in a bit. “ He said to us

“ Thanks “ I said to him

“ You will start with me tomorrow if i’m correct “ He said smiling at me

“ Yeah, You are correct “ I said to him

“ I can’t wait “ He said as he gave me a wink “ I’ll see you ladies in a few minutes! “ He said and then he walked outside.

“ Is it just me, or does Alex like you? “ Cami said to me

“ It’s not just you, because I think he does too! “ Fran said looking at Cami and you.

“ Guys, i’m just happy that Tomas and Diego have finally left me alone so I can now be happy with Leon. I don’t want anything to do with Alex for sure. “ I said to them

“ If you say so “ Fran said as we all walked outside together. We went to the lockers, drank some water and then headed to the dance room. Everyone was already there and they all stood in 2 lines stretching, waiting for Alex. I took my place in between Leon and Federico.

“ Hello everyone, We have alot of work to today but let’s first start with introducing ourselves. So can you all stand in a circle? “ He said to us all. We all listened to his instructions and I still stood next to Leon and Fede.

“ I want you all to say your name twice with an action. Let’s start with you Violetta “ He said looking at me. I thought about what to do and then I got an idea.

“ Violetta! Violetta! “ I said while posing

“ That was great, now let’s go this way “ He said pointing towards Fede. Everyone said their name twice and did an action. Ludmilla flipped her hair of course, Broaduey did a dance, Mazi drummed on his hips and so on.

“ Leon, Leon “ Leon said while putting his hands in the air

“ Now, for our next activity, I want you guys to get into groups of two. “ He said. Everyone pretty much stood by their couple. Andres and Diego paired up as they both were the last ones to pick.

“ Okay, I want you to mirror everything that your partner does. You can use dance moves, words, anything at all. Stand in front of your partner and take turns “ He said to us all

“ Should I start? “ Leon said to me

“ Sure “ I said. He started by spinning then clapping and things like that. He then put his hands up and we pretty much like kept our hands touching.

“ How about you do something a bit more difficult? I’ll show you “ Alex said as Leon backed up. Alex spun around me and then put his hands on my shoulder. I did the same awkwardly and I saw Leon looking at us, mad.

“ Try it out Leon “ Alex said as he smiled and walked away

“ Violetta, what was that about? “ He said to me as he walked towards me

“ I have no idea “ I said to him

“ I’m serious, I am going to break him if he gets his stupid hands on you “ He said to me

“ Leon, relax “ I said to him

“ You enjoyed it, I knew it “ He said to me as he turned around

“ Leon! I didn’t! What are you talking about?! “ I said as I turned him around

“ So you didn’t like it? “ He said to me

“ Leon, you’re the only one I love “ I said smiling

“ I love you more, I’m sorry, I just get too overprotective “ He said as he held my hand

“ Don’t worry about it “ I said

“ Now you can all go home and we’ll practice again after your 30 minutes break “ Alex said to us all as we walked outside.

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