Change of Plans

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“ Change of plans, The three of us are going to meet by X park in 30 minutes, See you then “  

The text from Tomas said. I put on a cute tiffany blue dress that had flowers on it and a pink belt on. Then I put on pink flats and some light makeup. I brushed my hair and grabbed my purse then walked downstairs.

“ Where do you think you’re going? “ My dad said. I haven’t seen him since our argument 3 days ago.

“ I’m going to meet up with some friends at the park “ I told him

“ Didn’t you figure it out already? You’re grounded for one more week “ He said

“ Dad! That’s so unfair! You’re always unfair! My friends and I spent a lot of time planning this and you can’t just ruin it at the last minute! I mean it’s so usual for you to do that but not this time, dad. I didn’t even know i’m grounded. Since when do you ground me for seeing my mum? “ I told him

“ Well I guess that you aren’t going to see Leon since you both broke up so you can go I guess but be home by 9 “ My dad said

“ Leon and I made up, but he’s not going to be there so don’t worry “ I told him

“ Oh okay “ He said

“ See you at 9 “ I said as I walked out of the house. I reached the park at exactly 4 pm and I saw Tomas from the distance. I walked forward and I got freaked out when I felt someone hold my shoulders.

“ Hey “ Fran said coming into sight

“ Oh my gosh, Don’t do that again! “ I told her

“ Sorry Grandma, I think this is a good opportunity for you and Tomas to work out again “ She told me

“ Why would I want that? Leon and I got back together “ I told her

“ Oh that’ great! But aren’t you scared that Tomas pulls a move again? “ She said to me

“ If he did then I would never talk to him and he and I had a chat about it “ I told her as we reached Tomas..

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