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“ Tomas! “ I said as I ran after him as soon as music class was over. He was now outside of the studio by the time I called his name.

“ Yes? “ He said turning around and walking towards me. I sat down on a bench and he did too.

“ Thanks, for talking to Leon “ I told him

“ As much as it hurt me to get you two back with each other, I need you to be happy, I don’t know about Diego though but your welcome “ He said smiling

“ Diego is not nice at all “ I told him

“ I know, I love you but I guess you don’t love me anymore. “ He said looking down

“ Look Tomas, Everything happens for a reason, we broke up for a reason, Leon and I are dating for a reason. You will eventually find the perfect girl and you will forget about me. We will always be friends though “ I told him smiling

“ I guess so, How did you forget about me? Because I can’t forget about you. “ He said to me. Sigh.

“ Tomas “ I said but he cut me off

“ I’m sorry, Forget that, I have to go now “ He said as he got up.

“ Tomas, I’m sorry for all the pain I caused you “ I told him feeling bad

“ No it’s okay, I’m the one that should be apologising “ He said to me

“ I guess we both did something bad to the other “ I said to him

“ Yah.. I’m leaving thursday so I have tomorrow, tuesday,wednesday and then I leave. Maybe we can hang out sometime? “ He said

“ Uh sure “ I said to him

“ I’ll text you later, Bye “ He said as he smiled and walked away. I walked back home and then my phone vibrated twice.

“ Hey, All the others want to go on like a 5-pair date type of thing tomorrow at 7 pm, We’re going in a limo, You up? You and I will be the last to be picked up, it was all Fede and Marco’s idea “ The first one from Leon said

“ Great idea “ I texted him back saying

“ Hey, Do you want to go to the grand mall at like 5 pm tuesday? I invited Francesca as well so don’t worry “ The other one from Tomas said

“ Sure, I’ll meet you at that mall at 5 by the main gate “ I texted him back saying as I walked up to my room.

It's time ( A Violetta Fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now