What's your problem!?

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School was boring the next day until Diego and I rehearsed. I tried as hard as possible not to kill him.

“ So? How’s your head? “ He asked

“ It’s good, The nurse gave me permission to dance today “ I told him

“ That’s good, We should really practice practice because the dance is in 6 days “ He told me

“ Yeah, About that, What advice did Gregorio tell you after he asked me to leave? “ I asked him acting dumb to see if he will be honest or not.

“ He told me that we should be faster and go along with the rhythm of the song and for us to look at each other more in the song “ He told me. What a liar, but I couldn’t tell him that.

“ Okay “ I said smiling a fake smile. We practiced it a few times and after we practiced, Diego spoke.

“ I think we should add a nice move at the end “ He said to me

“ Like what? “ I asked curious

“ We can look into each other’s eyes and then I can carry you “ He said to me

“ Or we can do something that won’t get me and Leon into a fight “ I said to him getting angry.

“ Speaking of Leon, What’s his problem? “ He said to me

“ What? “ I asked him

“ He’s just too rough and takes everything too seriously “ He said to me

“ Can you stop talking about my boyfriend? “ I said as polite as I could.

“ How long have you guys been dating? “ He asked me

“ 5 month, why are you asking? “ I said to him. Tomas left about 5 month ago as well.

“ I was just curious “ He said to me “ At the end, we can both spin to the other side then look at each other “

“ Uh sure “ I said to him. I don’t want him to say something even worse than just looking at each other. Besides, How bad can it be to look at him? Okay, I don’t want an answer actually. We practiced what he just said and the dance was complete!

“ We finished! “ I said to him happily

“ We’re gonna nail this thing “ He said to me as he highfived me

“ Yep, What do we wear by the way? Formal? Casual? “ I asked him

“ You can wear a skirt since your not doing any flips or anything “ He said to me. Oh my god.

“ I think i’ll wear shorts and a normal shirt “ I said to him “ How about you? “

“ I’m going to wear a plain black shirt and some blue jeans “ He said to me

“ Okay, What about the introduction? “ I asked him

“ We can say it together, because everything is better when we’re together “ He said as he came close to me. He was leaning in and about to take my hand when I got angry and spoke up.

“ Diego, What the hell are you doing!? “ I shouted

“ I’m just trying to start our relationship “ He said smiling

“ I told you I’m not interested and I’m only interested in Leon, So stop it! “ I said loudly

“ Violetta, What’s wrong!? “ I heard Maxi say from my left side. I looked towards the door and he was standing there looking very concerned.

“ Let’s go Maxi “ I said to him as I walked behind him, giving Diego a cold hard stare.

“ What was that all about? “ Maxi asked me as we sat on a bench outside.

“ He was flirting with me and he tried to kiss me, so I got mad and shouted at him, He even made fun of Leon and asked about our relationship “ I said to him

“ What’s his problem? “ Maxi said

“ I really don’t know what do, If Leon finds out, He’ll make a big deal out of it and If I don’t, then Diego will never stop “ I said to Maxi as I looked down at the floor

“ Don’t worry, We’ll come up with a solution together “ He said to me smiling

“ Thank you Maxi “ I said to him as I hugged him

“ No problem “ He said as we broke the hug.

“ Let’s go to Restoband? “ He asked me

" Sure " I said as him and I walked there

It's time ( A Violetta Fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now