Authors note

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Okay so this story has 18,200 reads so as I promised, I have another clue for you! And it's a better one this time!! 

First of all) The story got 18k and not 17k so THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Second of all) The previous clue was that there will be a worldwide tour. 

Third of all) This clue is........... THERE WILL BE 4 NEW CHARACTERS IN THE SEQUEL!! If you want to find out who one of them is.. get this story to 19,000 reads by the end of Thursday.

Fourth of all) I have really great news!!!! There will be a contest! Yes, a contest!! For the new characters, I will need a boy name and a girl name. It can most certainly be your names. If you are interested in having your name or a desired name in the sequel, then send me a private message. You will need to tell me:

1. Desired name

2. What you like about my story

3. What events you suggest to happen in the sequel

You also need to be following me. This is a really big deal and you just need to answer three questions in private message and follow me! And in case you guys are wondering, the boy and girl names that I need, aren't enemies/bad people in the story, the boy is really important in the story, and the girl is really nice. The boy is also really nice but the girl is one of the nicest people in the whole story. I follow back by the way!! The contest will end on thursday so you have 4 days to send me your answers. It would mean a lot to me if you guys answer and it would be a great oppurtanity for you guys as well! So all you have to do is follow me, send me a private message and type down the three answers!

I love you all so much!

PS. Get the story to 19,000 reads by thursday for a character reveal ( The boy who I need the name for) and for me to reveal how many chapters are left in this book!

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