Pair up

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I walked to dance class and as I walked in, I was attacked by Maxi.

“ Vilu! “ He said to me as I hugged him back

“ Maxi! “ I said as him and I chatted until the class started. After 5 minutes of class, Diego walked into the class.

“ You must be Diego “ Gregorio said to him “ And since it’s your first day, You won’t be marked late, but be late one more time, and you will regret it “

“ Sorry sir “ He said to him and then he looked at me and smiled. I smiled back then looked away.

“ You can take a seat right next to Violetta “ Gregorio said as he pointed at me. Why Gregorio, why!?

“ Hey “ He said to me just before Gregorio continued on with the lesson.

“ Today, I want you to get a partner from the opposite gender and come to me when your ready so you can get your tasks “ Gregorio told us.

“ Maxi “ I said to Maxi “ You wanna be together? “ I asked him

“Uh, Aren’t you dating Leon “ He said laughing

“ Not that way! I mean for the task “ I told him

“ Sorry but I’m with Fran “ He told me

“ It’s fine “ I told him as I looked around for someone to work with. Camilla was with broduey ( No surprise there ) , Maxi was with Fran, so basically, everyone had a partner except me. I felt someone tap my shoulder and I turned around to see Diego standing there with a smile on his face.

“ I guess we’re the only pair left, so do you wanna work together? “ He asked me. I had no other choice.

“ Okay “ I said as I walked, with Diego following, towards Gregorio. He handed us the paper and I read it out loud:

For this task, a pair must choose a song and create a choreography for it. The choreography must include, a start point, a special move, and an end move. This task will be presented in front of the whole studio within 10 days ( September 20 ). Try not to be repetitive with the moves . For the special move, the pair should choose a dance move that will be their original idea. You will not be doing this in class, so you will need to do this in our own time. Best of luck

As I finished reading it out loud, Diego was smiling.

“ What is it? “ I asked him

“ Your just too cute “ He said

“ I have a boyfriend and you know that Diego “ I told him

“ Leon? “ He asked me

“ Yes Leon “ I said to him as I heard Fran cough from behind me.

“ Hey Vilu, Can we talk in private for a minute? “ She told me. I nodded and I followed her to a corner in the room.

“ New boy has got a crush on you! “ She said quite loud.

“ Fran! You know I have a boyfriend and besides he doesn’t have a crush on me “ I told her trying to believe it myself

“ He asked to be your partner, He just said your cute and you were just talking about Leon, Seems like a crush to me “ She told me

“ First, We were the last people, Second, I don’t know why he said that and third, I was telling him that I have a boyfriend “ I told her

“ Still “ She said to me

“ I’ll talk to you after class “ I said to her as I walked back to Diego.

“ Were you just telling her about how amazing I am? “ He said to me

“ No, Now what song are we going to use? “ I asked him

“ Let’s use a Love song “ He said to me. No.

“ Why a love song? “ I asked him

“ Cuz Love is the best “ He said “ Do you know the song How to be a heartbreaker by Marina and the Diamonds? “

“ Obviously because it’s my favorite song “ I said to him

“ Okay then we agree on the song “ He said to me

“ Wait, all I said is that I like it “ I said to him

“ Do you have another song? “ He asked me

“ No “ I said

“ Okay then, Step 1 , check “ He said to me. The bell rung and I walked to the locker and sat down on a nearby bench. ‘ Why does he have to be my partner!?! ‘ I said to myself as Fran came to me.

“ Are you okay? You look like you just ate a dying wolf “ She said to me making me laugh

“ It’s Diego, He wants to use a love song “ I told her “ And Fran don’t get me started with the couple talk please “

“ Sorry, But this is a sign that he likes you Vilu, Besides, he’s super cute! “ She told me

“ Aren’t you dating Marco? “ I asked her.

“ Yes but it doesn’t mean that I can’t fangirl about the boy who likes you “ She told me

“ What boy? “ I heard Leon say from behind us. Oh no. I looked at Fran and she looked back at me.

It's time ( A Violetta Fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now