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Today was the day of the performance. I sat backstage as I watched the groups perform. Oh how I wish I could be out there performing, but my crutches just have to come with me everywhere.

" Thank you all for watching tonight, for the last song we would like Violetta Castillo to sing a song she just finished writing. Please come on stage Vilu " Leon said from the stage. Wait what? I hopped all the way to the stage and Leon put the microphone to my mouth just as two men brought a chair and placed it next to me.

" I really wasn't expecting this but I am really happy that my friends performed so great tonight. I would like to sing a song I just finished writing, it's called love tonight, I hope you all enjoy it " I sat down and I began singing as the audience waved their hands with flashlights on. This moment was perfect.

I can't wait for the graduation in two weeks. My knee will be better and I wouldn't be needing crutches, just some guidance thats all.

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