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( Leon’s P.O.V )

“ Guys, Violetta should be here soon, She told me that she should be home in 30 minutes like 20 minutes ago, Is everything perfect? “ I said to Francesca, Camilla, Maxi, Ludmilla, Naty, Andres, Marco, Broaduey, Emma, Julie, Federico and Diego as we all stood in Violetta’s living room. You may be wondering why the heck we’re here and how the heck we even got in.

“ Leon, Chill, You already made us check everything three times in the past five times “ Francesca said to me

“ You made me check that nothing happened to the cake three times and that no one touched or moved it “ Marco said to me

“ But everything has to be perfect for Violetta “ I said to them as I sat down on the couch

“ Leon, This is all so sweet and even if it wasn’t great, Violetta will still love that you’re doing this all for her “ Federico said as he sat down next to me

“ If it makes you feel better, The balloons are all perfect, no one touched the cake or attacked it, the presents are all hidden in Federico's room, The songs are all ready, The snow sprays are hidden in the kitchen, Olga prepared the food, and Ramallo is waiting outside to call us as soon as they get here. “ Maxi said as he sat down on the other side of me

“ Thanks guys, this all means a lot to me “ I said to them just as my phone rang twice before it stopped ringing. “ That was Ramallo! So they’re here! Everybody hide and Andres, turn off all the lights “

“ I’m really proud of you Vilu “ I heard Herman say as they walked into the house.

“ Thanks dad “ I heard her say. Oh my god. She got her license! My love is growing up. Gosh I sound retarded.

“ Why are all the lights turned off, Ramallo? “ Herman said. You see, he was acting because he knows that we’re all here, everyone knows but Violetta. I looked to my side to make sure that Naty was filming this all with her phone. Thank goodness that she remembered. I looked back at Herman and Violetta even though I could barely see them. I patted Diego who was crouching down behind the couch next to me and he passed on the patting.

“ I’ll get that for you sir “ Ramallo said as we heard footsteps and the light turning on. At that same time, we all jumped up in the air.

“ Surprise! Happy birthday Violetta! “ We all screamed as we ran to her and shared a group hug.

“ Oh my god! What’s all this for?! “ She said as she hugged us all back. We all broke the hug and looked at her.

“ To celebrate you turning 18 and for getting your license “ Cami said to her

“ We knew you would get your license “ Broaduey said to her

“ Thank you all so much! “ She said as she hugged us all again. She looked at me for a bit with a questioning look and then looked away. What was she thinking about?

“ Happy birthday sweetie “ Herman said as he kissed her forehead

“ You knew about this didn’t you!? “ She said to him

“ Yes, I did, In fact, I was really happy when Leon called me and told me all about his plan “ Her dad said to her. She looked at me and smiled a huge smile. Well I can’t take all the credit.

“ Leon! “ She said as she hugged me tightly and wrapped her arms around my neck.

“ Well I can’t take all the credit because they all helped a lot with everything “ I said to her

“ What are we waiting for, let’s get this party started! “ Ludmilla said to us all

“ But I look terrible, I’m wearing jeans “ She said to us all. She can never look terrible.

“ You never look terrible “ I said to her as she smiled

“ Plus we have a surprise for you waiting in your room “ Naty added as I noticed that she wasn’t recording anymore.

“ C’mon! “ Francesca said as she took Violetta’s hand and ran upstairs with all the girls following.

( Violetta’s P.O.V )

“ This is all amazing “ I said as the girls and I entered my room.

“ Just wait until you see the dress we got you “ Cami said to me as she pulled out a beautiful dress from a gift bag.

“ Oh my god, It’s so beautiful! Thank you so much guys! “ I said as I hugged them all

“ You’re welcome, now try it on! “ Emma said to me laughing

“ I’ll be right back “ I said to them as I went to my bathroom and changed into it.

“ Oh my god “ The 6 of them said at the exact same time

“ It’s amazing! “ Julie said

“ Thanks! “ I said to her smiling. She’s really pretty especially in her purple dress. Did I mention that they were all wearing dresses and looked gorgeous. Well I did now.

“ Now let’s do your makeup and hair! “ Ludmi said as she took out my makeup bag. I sat down and she did my makeup whilst Naty curled my hair.

“ Send me that video you were recording earlier Naty “ I said to her laughing

“ Will do “ She said to me laughing. After 10 minutes, they were done with my makeup and hair.

“ You look great! “ Fran said

“ I agree! Now let’s go and dance downstairs! “ Cami said to me as she held my hand and pulled me out of the room and downstairs.

“ Wow “ Leon said to me as all the others smiled at me

“ You look amazing “ My dad said to me

“ Thank you “ I said to the both of them

“ Now, let’s start the music and start dancing! “ Federico said loudly

“ Try not to break something Federico whilst I go and change my cloth “ My dad said to us making us all laugh

“ Where are you going? “ I asked him

“ Esmeralda and I are going to have dinner outside but we will be back soon, I’m going to pick her up from her own house right how “ My dad said to me

“ Have fun! “ I said to him as he walked upstairs

“ Thanks honey “ He said as he went to his room and closed the door. Andres opened the song ‘ It’s my birthday ‘ By Will.I.Am and Cody Wise. We all started dancing to it and Leon walked over to me.

“ Thanks for everything Leo “ I said to him

“ Nice nickname. I’ll just pile that under all the other weird nicknames you made for me especially Lilo “ He said to me making me laugh

“ Seriously, this is all amazing and I still have more nicknames for you “ I said to him

“ You’re welcome and please no more nicknames! Have I told you that you look gorgeous in that dress? “ He said to me smiling.

“ Yes there will be more nicknames. Nope, you haven’t told me but the dress looks like something I saw in a princess movie. I look like a princess “ I said laughing

“ You’re my princess “ He said to me as he winked

“ In your dreams “ I said laughing

“ Oh yeah? “ He said to me

“ Yep “ I said to him

“ We’ll see about that “ He said before he kissed me. I kissed him back and I put my hands around his neck.

“ Um guys? “ I heard Marco say before we broke the kiss

“ We’ll continue this later “ Leon whispered to me before The next song ‘ Lovers on the sun ‘ came on.

“ Oh my god! This is my favourite song! “ I shouted

“ That’s why we put it “ Maxi said to me laughing. Leon and I danced to the song and we all sang to it out loud. My dad walked out during the song before kissing me on the forehead. He always does that I never knew why though. We danced to many songs for a long time before they decided for me to open the gifts.

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