Chapter 1

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"Y/N! Are you ready to go?" Y/N's mother shouted as she was packing up the last of the moving boxes.

At just 8 years old, she was sad to leave the home and town where she grew up in, and say goodbye to her bestfriends, Barry and Lucas.

"Mooooom, please just 5 more minutes?" Y/N asked, visibly upset. Her mother shook her head with a smile and went back inside as Y/N went back to her friends.

"I am going to miss you guys so much!" She told Barry and Lucas as they were saying their last goodbyes.

"Well, your mom said you can come visit in the summer time right?" Barry asked.

"Yeah! You can come help around at the lab with Professor Rowan and hangout with us!" Lucas said with a smile on his face.

"Well yeah.. but that's so far from now! I don't want to go!" Y/N said with tears starting to form in her eyes.

She knew that having to move at such a young age would be hard, but her mother was only doing what was best for their family. Her mother had been a big help and old friend of Professor Rowans, he took her in at a young age and let her help around the lab with things here and there til she was old enough to become his assistant.

But now, it was time for them to move to the Galar region, and start over. Professor Rowan told Y/N's mother she could come visit each summer, and help around the lab just like her mother did when she was younger.

Y/N gladly agreed because it meant she was able to come see her best friends each year, plus she wanted to become a professor when she grew up, or so she thought.

Y/N lived right by Barry, and was walking distance away from Lucas. Barry and Y/N's mothers were friends, so they were always running around together ever since they could walk, and once they met Lucas, the three became best friends.

They would chase each other around the neighborhood and occasionally help Y/N's mother, Professor Rowan and his assistants in the lab.

From a young age, Barry had decided he wanted to become the greatest pokémon trainer ever, and Sinnohs next champion. Lucas on the other hand did want to become a great trainer, but was more excited to help the Professor out with filling up the Pokédex.

Y/N seemed to be more interested in learning from Professor Rowan, she didn't seem to understand what Barry saw in becoming a champion. It just didn't seem too interesting to her. Maybe it was because she didn't have a pokémon of her own yet, or because she looked up to her mother and wanted to follow in her footsteps, but despite their differences, they were best friends.

"I'm sorry honey, but we have to go..." Y/N's mom said. "Alright mom.." Y/N got up as she wiped her face.

"We will miss you so much N/N!"

"Let us know as soon as you get to Galar!" Barry and Lucas said as they gave Y/N a big hug.

"I'll miss you guys too! I'll see you soon!" Y/N said as she waved goodbye to the boys, and watched as her hometown of Twinleaf town started to fade behind her.

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