Chapter 3

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Later that day, Y/N and her mother arrived back at Leon and Hops house for dinner. They knocked on the door and were welcomed inside by the boys. Their house was huge, and it was beautiful. Hop gave Y/N the tour as Leon was helping their mother set up the dinner table.

Hop was telling Y/N all about his school, and how he was excited she would be going there soon. He promised her that he would show her around the school and that they would be the best of friends.

This made Y/N's heart warm, even though she missed her friends back in Sinnoh, she was happy to have a new friend in her new hometown. Once they were done with the tour, they joined their parents and Leon at the dinner table.

"So, how are you liking Galar so far Y/N?" the boys mother asked.

"Oh uh, I actually am starting to like it a lot." Y/N said with a soft smile, not wanting to admit the two boys had made her completely change her feelings on the move.

"You are going to love the school Hop goes to! I'm sure I could get you both in the same class!" Their mother said.

"Does Leon go to the same school as well?" Y/N's mother asked.

"Well, Leon is actually preparing to start his journey to join the gym challenge."

"Yeah! Me and charmander cannot wait!" Leon shouted, as he stood up throwing his fist in the air.

"Wait, you're leaving?" Y/N said before she could even think to stop herself. She just met the boy and he was already going to leave? Was she already getting a crush on him? No, it was too soon.

"Well, he needs to train up his team a little more, but yes, he will be leaving soon to Motostoke for the opening ceremony." His mother said.

"I'm going to become the next champion Y/N! Then, when you're a little older and have your own partner and team, you can come try and beat me!" Leon joked.

"Y/N actually doesn't want to become a trainer. She's going to become a professor." Y/N's mother said, responding for her.

"What? Really?" both boys said at the same time, glancing at Y/N.

"Well mom, I'm not sure anymore, maybe I do want to become a trainer..." Y/N said.

"No honey, you don't. It's too dangerous for a girl like you. You can become a professor just like you've always said. That's why you're spending summers in Sinnoh with Professor Rowan." Y/N was actually shocked at how quickly her mother turned her down.

"Wait, don't tell me YOU are gonna be leaving too?!" Hop asked Y/N

"No! Only for some of the summer" she quickly answered. There was too much happening at once, and she was getting flustered.

"Thank Arceus, I couldn't lose my new best friend and brother all at once." Hop said as he sweat dropped. New best friend? Y/N was confused but happy. She was his new best friend.

"How about we finish our meal before worrying about who's leaving?" Hops mother said as she began to sweat drop.

Everyone laughed and they continued to finish the meal she had prepared. After they were done eating, Y/N and her mother thanked them and said their goodbyes as they walked back home. Worried for the conversation that was to come, Y/N tried to hurry to her room but her mother quickly stopped her.

"So, what's this about you wanting to become a Pokémon trainer?" Y/N's mother said.

"Oh did I say that? I don't remember..." she answered, trying to act dumb as she remembered her mothers comment about it.

"Honey, for as long as I can remember you've wanted to become a professor. Why else would I send you to Sinnoh for the summer to study under Professor Rowan?"

Torn Between Two (Leon x Reader x Raihan) Where stories live. Discover now