Chapter 37

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As she lay there on the icy snow floor, Y/N remained unconscious after receiving an unforeseen blow to the back of her head.

Rose started to approach her, leaning down to grab her bag as his accomplice, Oleana, appeared from the shadows with her Froslass next to her.

While rummaging through her bag, Rose pulled out the yellow and black ultra ball that contained Eternatus in it. After tossing it to Oleana, he threw her bag containing the rest of her team on the ground as he approached Y/N's unconscious body.

"We now have Eternatus again." Oleana started, as she stared at the ball in her hands. "Can't we just go?"

"No." Rose muttered, as he kneeled down next to Y/N, taking her head into his hands. As he looked at her motionless body, he caressed her head then went to pick her up. "She's mine now. I'm not letting her escape again."

Oleana looked at him with confusion, and could spot the madness in his eyes from a mile away. "She's going to die out here anyways, just leave her."

"No." he barked at his secretary. "I'm not even close to being done with her yet." he said in a sinister way, causing Oleana to second guess why she was helping him.

Rose found himself very fond of Y/N, from the first day he met her. There was something enticing about her that pulled him in, despite how inappropriate it was. He figured things and feelings could grow for them once she began working with him, but ever since the day she told him no, he knew he wouldn't stop til he had her all to himself.

"Fine. But let's get out of here." Oleana groaned.

As Rose picked Y/N up, he and Oleana started to make their way towards the pathway that led them out of route 10, until the ultra ball suddenly started to shake in Oleana's hands. As they both froze, the ball erupted and out came Eternatus.

As the creature let out a blood curling screech, it startled the two causing them to stop in their tracks. Eternatus spotted Y/N in Rose's arms, and headed straight towards him as Oleana called out for her pokémon to attack it. The attack hit, but didn't cause too much damage.

Then, Eternatus shoved Rose, forcing him to drop Y/N's body onto the snowy ground before he flew back.

Once Eternatus reached Y/N, it curled up to her while nudging her body trying to wake her up. Rose stood up after shaking off the fall, and turned towards Oleana while nodding, signaling for her to do something without speaking.

After feeling her connection with Eternatus, Y/N slowly began to open her eyes as she gently touched the pokémon's face giving both of them comfort and reassurance.

Right as she tried to sit up, she saw her Pokémon get attacked with something, and it shrieked while not being able to withstand the pain. As she looked over at Rose, he held up some kind of machine that was aimed towards Eternatus, and whatever it was was able to seriously hurt it.

As it tried to get up and fly away from them, Rose shot another attack causing it to collapse, and let out a shriek causing Y/N to began panicking and sense it's pain. She frantically began to look around for the rest of her team, and saw her bag directly across from Oleana.

If there was any way she would be able to get herself and Eternatus out of this mess, it was by calling out someone to help. After locking eyes with Rose and then Oleana, she hopped over Eternatus and headed towards her bag.

She began running towards it, while Oleana called out for her Froslass to use an Ice Beam attack on Y/N. Even though she was prepared this time, the attack hit her dead on causing her to fall just inches away from her bag.

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