Chapter 7

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It was the morning of the day Y/N and Hop would leave for Motostoke city. They were excited to begin their journey, and couldn't wait another day.

They decided to head to the wild area and camp out for the night, before heading to the stadium and then to the Budew Drop Inn. They wanted to get in one last day of training just to make sure they were ready.

Y/N was gathering the last of her things when there was a knock on her bedroom door. In walked her mother, who she was preparing to say goodbye to.

"You getting ready to leave Honey?" her mother asked.

"Yup, just making sure I have everything. Me and Ninetales are going to meet up with Hop and camp out in the wild area tonight."

"Well, I will go with you to Hops house before you two head out. Just come get me when you are ready."

Y/N texted Hop to see if he was ready to go, and he said yes. She turned the light off in her room, and they headed to his house.

His mother was waiting outside for them when they got there, and said he should be right out. Once Hop came out, they said their good byes and were about to head out before hearing,

"Y/N, please be careful. Text or call me as much as you can and don't be a stranger. You'll always have your bed here whenever you need it." Y/N's mother said as she started to cry, "And Hop? You and Leon better take care of my baby."

"Yes ma'am, will do!" Hop said as he scratched the back of his head.

They headed to Wedgehurst to catch the train there, but decided to stop at a pokemart to stock up on a few essential items first.

"Can you believe this Y/N?! We're about to
enter the gym challenge! One of us is going to become the next champion, I just know it!" Hop said, as he imitated Leon's signature pose.

"I really can't believe it." Y/N said as she sweat dropped, "But I'm really excited! I'm glad we're doing this together."

"Me too!" Hop said as Y/N grabbed his hand. Once they arrived at the wild area station, they ventured out to find the perfect area to camp out for the night.

Both friends decided to let out the majority of their teams, they wanted to let them play a bit before starting to train. Y/N and Ninetales sat beside a tree and watched their team run around, taking in the view as Hop and his Wooloo chased each other. It was perfect.

After an hour or so went by, they decided to start training. They used each other and the wild pokémon around them to get in as much work as they could, being calling it a night.

Y/N was so proud of her team. They had came so far from when she first started training them. As she was calling her team back to their pokéball's before starting to make some curry for everyone, she felt as if someone had been watching them.

She looked around, and thought she saw the shadow of a man and a tall woman next to him, but as she rubbed her eyes and looked again, they were gone. She decided not to mention this to Hop.

"So, sweet or spicy curry tonight?" Y/N asked Hop as she was getting some berries out of her bag.

"Sweet! It's my favorite and easily the best kind you can make!" Hop said as his stomach started to growl.

"Someone's hungry!" she said as she laughed, "Sweet curry it is."

Hop decided to text Leon an update on their night, and let him know they would be arriving into Motostoke tomorrow, and he told him he would meet up with them at some point if he could. Y/N had just about finished dinner, and called out her team once again to enjoy the meal together.

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