Chapter 27

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As they walked into the stadium, Sonia led Y/N to the suite Leon was waiting for them in. He had been at the stadium for a couple hours already, dealing with interviews and what not, and finally had the time to step away and relax.

"We're here!" Sonia exclaimed, as the girls walked into the suite and saw Leon and Hop.

Leon looked at the two and greeted them, then felt his heart grow heavy as he locked eyes with Y/N. She tried to ignore it, and set her things down as she went up to talk to Hop.

"You excited for today?" she asked him.

"Very." he smiled. "I hope Marnie does well."

"I'm sure she will! But hey," she started, "you never told me what happened yesterday after Camilla came and got me."

"Oh, that..." he blushed. "Well, I know it was an accident, but Marnie said she loved me and I said it back."

"HOP!" Y/N squealed, getting the attention of the others, "You guys are just the absolute cutest!"

"Y/N, stop!" he laughed from embarrassment.

"Fine, fine. I won't bring it up again." she teased.

It made her so happy that not one, but both of her best friends were happy and in love, and with each other. What were the chances of that?

Hop had been her best friend ever since she moved to Galar, and she and Marnie grew extremely close over their journey together. Now, they were all about to face off with each other to see who could beat Leon and try to become to next Champion. That is, if they won their gym battles.

As they waited for Marnie to come out, they watched as Ninetales and Dubwool chased each other around the room, with Yamper following. It had been a great day so far, despite the tension between Leon and Y/N, and all they needed now was for Marnie to get her eighth gym badge.

Soon enough, she emerged from the tunnel, and met with Raihan in the middle of the field. They shook hands, took the pitch, and the battle begun.


Marnie and Raihan were on their last two pokémon, both in their Gigantimax'd forms. Grimmsnarl and Duraludon were facing off, and with one last attack, Grimmsnarl came out victorious.

The crowd, which consisted of a big majority of Team Yell, cheered for Marnie as she got her eighth and last win in the gym challenge. She would now stand by Y/N in the Champion Cup. All they needed was for Hop to win, and he was up next.

He and Y/N decided to go the lobby to meet up with Marnie, as Leon and Sonia waited in the suite. Leon watched the two challengers run off together, and couldn't help but smile which seemed to irritate Sonia.

"So, have you talked to Y/N lately?" Sonia questioned him.

His smiled quickly faded, as he was surprised by her question.

"Uh, no? Why would you ask that?" he replied back, not knowing what her response would be.

"Oh, I dunno." she sarcastically said, "Just thought it was a little strange how you said you're over her and want to be with me, but you can't stop looking at her."

"Sonia..." he sighed. "I do want to be with you. Just to be honest, my feelings for her aren't completely gone. But you have nothing to worry about."

Leon gave her a forced smile, and put his arm around her. She exhaled, and tried to relax but was still obviously on edge.

"Well, she's all about Raihan. Like, big time." Sonia added, which only irritated Leon. "They're like, in love and all that. She seems to be pretty crazy about him from what I can tell. She couldn't shut up about him this morning." she laughed, as he held his breath to stop him from saying something he'd regret.

Torn Between Two (Leon x Reader x Raihan) Where stories live. Discover now