Chapter 13

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Yamper ran up to Sonia as soon as he saw her. She picked him up and held him in her arms as she continued walking towards Hop and Y/N.

"Thank you so much for watching him Hop! I hope he wasn't too much of a handful." Sonia teased.

"No problem Sonia. He was great!" Hop responded.

Sonia ignored Y/N, which she expected. She decided to act like she was busy on her phone so she wouldn't have to talk with the boys that were coming up to her.

"Hop, we should go get ready to watch Marnie. I'm sure she'll be on soon." Y/N said to Hop before letting anyone else get a word in.

"Yeah, you're right. We'll see you guys later." Hop said to them as he and Y/N started to walk away.

"Wait, you guys aren't going to watch with us?" Leon questioned.

"No it's okay Leon. We wouldn't want to intrude, now would we?" she sneered.

"Sweetheart, that's the last thing you need to worry about." Raihan said as he walked up to her and put his arm over her shoulder. "Of course we want you two there with us."

Sonia only rolled her eyes which made Y/N even more annoyed. They agreed, and they all walked to a suite where Milo and Nessa happened to be sitting in.

"Hey Hop! Hey Y/N!" Milo smiled. "We watched your fight yesterday Y/N, you looked awesome!"

"Oh wow, thank you Milo!" Y/N giggled.

"I told them your Luxray is no joke." Nessa chimed in, as Sonia gave her a look.

"Kabu was a tough opponent, I'm glad we were able to pull it off."

"Oh come on Princess. You kicked his ass!" Raihan exclaimed, which made Y/N smile.

"Oh look. Marnie is about to go on." Sonia said, trying to get the focus off of Y/N.

Which she was. Marnie and Kabu took the field and everyone cheered for her as she ended up pulling off another win.

"You're up next, Hop. Good luck!" Y/N said, as she hugged him.

"You'll go wait for Marnie to come out? For me?" he asked.

"Of course, i'll wait for her in the lobby and will bring her here."

As they were leaving the suite, they heard Leon say, "Wait, I'll come with you Y/N." which only made Sonia roll her eyes again.

The three walked into the lobby, and as Hop went to go change, Leon and Y/N were left alone waiting for Marnie.

"So, how was your battle yesterday? We watched you on tv." Leon started, "I wish you would have told me so I didn't have to miss it."

"It was fine Leon. You were busy so don't worry about it." Y/N responded.

"I'm never too busy for you." he said, "Are you mad at me or something?"

"Why would I be mad at you Leon?"

"I don't know... You just don't seem happy to see me." he whined, "I missed you."

She knew that nothing Leon or Raihan could do would make her stay mad at them for too long, and he didn't really do anything wrong. Hopefully the next time Sonia made a smart ass comment towards her, one of them would speak up.

"I missed you too Lee." she sighed, as she went up to hug him.

He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in tight. Y/N only let go because of the other challengers and people around them. Also, Marnie was walking up to them.

Torn Between Two (Leon x Reader x Raihan) Where stories live. Discover now