Chapter 18

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"Raihan? What are you doing here?" Y/N asked him as he walked into her room. "And why are you soaking wet?"

"I was walking through the city, and thought I should come see you. Then it started to rain." he answered, while something seemed off.

She ran to the bathroom to grab a towel so he could get out of his wet clothes. "Take your jacket off, you're going to get sick if you stay in it."

He nodded, and took his jacket and shirt off to reveal his chiseled body, which made Y/N blush. She could tell he was fit, but this was something else. His arms were huge and he had a six pack; it made her want him even more.

"H-here, use this towel." she stuttered, as she put the towel around him.

She grabbed his wet clothes and went to hang them up in the bathroom, as she told Ninetales to go dry them off.

"Now, do you want to tell me what's really going on?" she asked as she gathered herself, and tried not to let his body distract her even more.

"I just wanted to see you, Y/N. I didn't know when you would be back from dinner, so I walked around the city until it started to rain; then I came here."

"How did you even know I went to dinner?" she questioned. She didn't tell him, so someone must have.

"Oh, uh, Leon told me..." he admitted. "He thought you were going to meet up with me."

"Huh. Makes sense." she shook her head and rolled her eyes.

"Who did you go with? Was it a date?"

"Was it a date?" she laughed. "No. But why would it matter if it was? You've seemed to be pretty busy with Nicki."

"Then who did you go with?"

She hadn't seen this side of Raihan yet. She was used to the cocky, confident, charming guy that he usually was, but tonight he seemed to be almost insecure.

"I went to dinner with Chairman Rose. He wanted to celebrate my win." she answered, annoyed that he decided to ignore her comment.

As he looked confused, he seemed to be relieved to know it wasn't a date that she had gone on. He sighed, and laid down on the bed, putting the towel to the side of it.

"Oh, why did he want to do that?"

"Honestly? I still have no idea." she chuckled, as she sat next to him.

She knew she shouldn't give him too much information about the things that were said, so she wanted to try and change the subject.

"You're not going to say anything about what I said?"

"I don't really know what to say, Y/N." he responded, which made her upset.

"Then why are you here and not with her?"

"Because she's just a friend, and you're not." he started. "I didn't want to interrupt your time with Barry and Lucas."

"So you thought ignoring me and hanging out with a girl who has caused issues before was the way to go?"

"I don't-"

"You know she followed me on pokégram, right? I saw her story with her all over you at the club. Not to mention how she was with you at MY battle and how she was towards me. How was your double date by the way? Doesn't seem like you are just friends..."

Torn Between Two (Leon x Reader x Raihan) Where stories live. Discover now