Chapter 35

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As Raihan arrived outside the Hammerlocke stadium, there was a few reporters waiting for him and immediately started asking him questions as he walked up to them. Still waiting for Leon to make a statement, he brushed them off and went inside heading straight for the battle field.

Right outside the field entrance, was Sebastian and Camila. His head trainer had a clipboard in his hands, and was finishing up a few notes. As he saw the gym leader approaching, he clipped him pen to the top of the board, and exhaled.

"Raihan, thank Arceus you're here." Sebastian sighed, relieved. "I think I should have just about everything for the damage report if you would like to go over it before sending it to the board of executives."

"Sure." Raihan responded. "Let's go."

As the three of them walked towards an empty office, Camila went up to Raihan to ask him a couple of questions.

"So, how's Y/N doing?"

"She's... fine." Raihan told her. "I unfortunately had to leave her alone to come here, so let's make this fast, okay?"

His trainers nodded, and they started going over each bullet point written down with him, and tried to ensure they had the most accurate data captured to send off. The sooner they updated the board, the faster their budget would get approved and they could get the repairs started.

It was now mid day, and they had just about finished their paperwork. Raihan told Sebastian to go and upload the data before sending it off to Wyndon, and he complied while leaving the room. As Raihan and Camila gathered their things to follow suit, Raihan's phone began to ring.

As he grabbed his phone out of his pocket, he was receiving a call from Leon. He sighed, and answered the phone to see what his rival needed.

"What's up, Leon? I'm a little busy right no-"

"Are you home?!" Leon cut him off, with his voice shaky.

"Uh, no? I'm at the stadium? Why?" Raihan questioned as he could hear the worry in his voice.

"Raihan, go home now."

"What's going on, Leon? You're freaking me out..."

"I just got a call from one of the head detectives in Wyndon, he was just informed that Rose somehow escaped from his cell. Rai, they were being kept IN Hammerlocke. What if he goes after Y/N?" Leon shuddered.

Raihan's entire body went numb, and he went into a state of panic as he hung up the phone and ran out of the office.

"Raihan? Is everything okay?" Camila shouted from the room as he was now heading towards the stadium lobby.

Once he was outside, he called out Flygon and ordered for him to go straight to their apartment. While his phone was still in his hands, he called Y/N and was sent immediately to voicemail. He couldn't believe this was happening to him again. All he wanted to do was stay there with her and make sure she was safe, but he idiotically chose to leave her to go to work.

As he arrived home, he recalled his Pokémon and ran inside towards the staircase. Wanting to save time, he rushed towards the top floor that his unit was on, and unlocked the door. He quickly scanned the living room for Y/N, but she wasn't there.

Two of her Pokémon were let out and were asleep on the couch, but anything could have happened. He took a deep breath, and walked towards the bedroom to see the door closed. As he placed his trembling hand on the door knob, he quietly opened it to see none other than Y/N and Ninetales cuddled up in bed.

As he let out a loud exhale, she moved around a bit on the bed and woke up. She sat up rubbing her eyes, and he walked over to her and brushed her hair out of her face behind her ear.

Torn Between Two (Leon x Reader x Raihan) Where stories live. Discover now