Chapter 28

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As they left the apartment, Raihan locked the door while not being able to take his eyes off of Y/N. She looked absolutely exquisite, and incredibly sexy. He couldn't believe she was his girlfriend.

"You know," he whispered in her ear while tracing down her backless dress, "I think you look a little too good to be going out like that."

"Oh, yeah? What are you going to do about it then?" she teased, trying to get him all riled up.

"I guess I'll just have to be real close to you all night." he breathed down her neck, and kissed it. "Want everyone to know you're my girl."

It felt good to be wanted, and Raihan made her feel like that every single day. She was his and his only, there was no other guy who could make her feel the way that he did, and they both knew that. Yet, there was no harm in teasing him a little.

"Guess we'll have to wait and see how many guys try and talk to me." she winked, as he grabbed her wrist in a gentle, yet aggressive way.

"None will, not if I have anything to say about it." he smirked, as they forgot Piers was there.

"Eh..." he hesitated, feeling like an extreme third wheel in that moment, "you guys ready, or?"

They both snapped out of the trance they had been in together, and sweat dropped.

"Yes, sorry." Raihan laughed. "I called a flying taxi because the club is half way across town. Plus, it's starting to rain and I wouldn't want my girl having to walk in the rain and her heels." he pulled her hand to his mouth and kissed it.

"You could just carry me?" she joked, as he picked her up bridal style, making Piers roll his eyes.

"Yes ma'am." he exclaimed, as she laughed.

"You guys are too much sometimes..." Piers groaned, as he went towards the entrance to look for their taxi.

"Ignore him. He's just jealous." Raihan told her, as she kissed his cheek.

"Well, we can be a little too affectionate sometimes." she sweat dropped.

"That's mainly because I can barely keep my hands off of you." Raihan growled, as Y/N's body became hot.

"W-We should go see if the taxi is here." she stuttered, as she started getting flustered.

As he set her down, she grabbed his hand and the two walked towards Piers as a Corviknight carrying a cab landed outside the apartment complex. Raihan opened the door for Y/N, and held an umbrella over her head to ensure she made it in the cab without getting wet. As the boys got in, the three were a little crammed, so Y/N sat on Raihan's lap.

"Where to?" the cabbie asked, and they told him the name of the club. "Very nice, I heard it's incredibly busy tonight."

Y/N pulled out her phone to text Hop and Sonia that they were on the way, then snapped a quick selfie, per Raihan's request, of the three of them in the cab. She thought Piers looked hilarious, so she uploaded it to her pokégram story.

As they arrived outside the club, the driver was right. The line was outside the door and down the street. Thankfully, Raihan and Piers being who they were, didn't have to wait at all. Once they got out of the cab, Piers headed in first, followed by Raihan and Y/N.

There was a ton of reporters outside, snapping pictures of them and bombarding them with questions about their relationship as they tried to head in. Someone must have posted that Leon, Raihan and a couple of the other gym leaders were going tonight; it would only make sense at the sight of that crowd.

Raihan and Y/N walked in hand in hand, and felt like all eyes turned to them once they were inside. They ignored it, then spotted their friends table and made their way to it. At the table sat Leon, Sonia, Nessa, Milo, Piers, Hop, Marnie, and a couple others they didn't know.

Torn Between Two (Leon x Reader x Raihan) Where stories live. Discover now