Chapter 36

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As Y/N waited for Rose to tell her where to meet him, tears began to flow down her face. She was still hurt from the injuries she obtained, and didn't know if she could physically or mentally defeat Rose again.

Yet, things were different this time. She had Eternatus on her side; and although she never planned on asking it to fight for her, she knew she had no choice now.

"You're familiar with Route 10, yes?" Rose asked.

"Uh, yes I am." she responded.

"Meet me there. Tonight. And don't bother trying to bring anyone with you, I'll know if you do and that will be the end for your little boyfriend."

Even though Rose could have been bluffing, she couldn't risk it. This may have been the end for Y/N, but she wouldn't go down without a fight.

"Fine." she groaned.

"8 PM. Don't be late." he demanded.

"I won't."

She then heard the sound of the phone clicking on the other line ending the call, and she broke down. As she sat in bed with her hands covering her face, she had to try and control her shaky breath, as Ninetales licked her face.

After looking at her phone to see it was about 4:30, she knew she needed to get ready to go. She prayed Hop and Marnie were still asleep, because there was no way they'd let her leave, regardless if she told them where she was going or not.

It was still raining outside, so that limited her means of transportation to route 10, and she decided she'd have to take the train. As she stood up, she threw on some warm clothes to help with the frigid temperatures she was soon to face, and covered it all up with a plain black hoodie; which should be enough to get her through town without being noticed.

Before heading to the train station, she needed to go to the wild area to send out Eternatus and warn it of what was to come, and then ask for its help. The two were connected through some strange, unexplainable bond, and although she hadn't let it out of its pokéball since she captured it, she hoped it would understand and listen to her.

After returning Luxray, she grabbed the ultra ball and set it in her bag, while heading towards the door. Ninetales got up to follow her and Y/N refused to let her leave. She couldn't risk losing her life and her partners, so she forced her to stay.

"No. I'm sorry girl, but you're not coming." she told her, as she refused to listen. "Ninetales, please don't make this harder than it already is."

As she continued to ignore Y/N, she brought out her pokéball and threatened to return her. Ninetales looked at her with sadness in her eyes, and knew there wasn't anything she could do.

"If I don't return, stay with Raihan. He will take care of you just like he did before." Y/N told her, while wiping tears from her face.

"Nine, nine." her partner whimpered, as she used psychic to force Y/N from leaving.

"I didn't want to have to do this, but you leave me no choice." Y/N quickly pulled out her partners pokéball, and returned her.

As she watched it shake in her hands, she set it on the table next to Raihan's side of the bed, with a note that read, 'I'm sorry, Rai. I love you, forever and always.' signed with the first initial of her name.

She wiped the tears off her face, set her phone on her own nightstand, and took a deep breath before heading to the bedroom door. As she quietly opened it, she poked her head out to see if Hop and Marnie were asleep. Sure enough, they still were. Lucky for her, the sound of the rain hitting against the apartment window was very therapeutic, and helped keep them in a deep sleep.

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