Chapter 39

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The day was finally here.

Y/N was going to get a chance to battle with Leon in the Champion Cup Tournament and get a chance to defeat the Unbeatable Champion.

As her alarm went off, she silenced her phone and sat up while raising both arms in the air to stretch them out. After rubbing her eyes with her hands, she looked over to see she was alone in the hotel room with her team.

She looked around for Raihan, but saw he wasn't there. As she got up and walked over to his side of the bed, she saw a note waiting for her.

The note read:

Good Morning my love! I'm off to get you some breakfast; you have a big day ahead and I don't want you to be worried about having an empty stomach. If you're awake before I get back, I'll see you soon.

Love, Rai

She smiled as she set the note down, then turned towards her still sleeping, team. As she returned each of them but Ninetales, she walked over to the bathroom to take a shower.

As she cleansed her body, she tried to relax and prepare herself for the day to come. She knew unfortunately the first thing she would face would be an extremely unwanted interview, but she decided to go through with it and get it over with.

Once she was done with her shower, she grabbed a hair dryer and started on her wet hair before beginning her make up. After she curled her hair and shook it out, she was left with beautiful loose curls that were pinned halfway back so her face was free from any strands, that is before she pulled out her long, face framing bangs.

After she was almost done with her makeup, she heard the front door open and close, followed by Raihan's voice, letting her know he was back.

"In here!" she called out, as the bathroom door opened.

"Well, hello beautiful." Raihan greeted, as he went up to her and hugged her from behind while kissing the top of her head.

"Good morning." she giggled, before turning around to press her lips against his.

"Don't you look incredible!" he said in awe. "Breakfast and coffee is on the nightstand. Your favorite, of course." he winked.

"And this is why I love you." she teased, before turning to finish her makeup.

"Yeah yeah, I know." he chuckled. "I'll let you finish getting ready."

As he left the bathroom, she finished touching up her face and got dressed into a casual outfit before joining him back in the main room. They still had some time before they needed to head towards the stadium, so Y/N grabbed the food and immediately started showing her face full of it.

Shortly after, the food was gone and Raihan looked at her in shock.

"Uh, you okay sweetheart?" he laughed causing her to blush.

"Yes, I'm fine. Why?" she sweat dropped.

"I've just never seen ya like this..." he scratched the back of his head.

"Fine. I am a tincy bit nervous. Okay?" she admitted.

Raihan laughed, and walked over to Y/N who was sitting on the bed looking at her feet. He sat next to her and took her in his arms, helping calm her down.

Torn Between Two (Leon x Reader x Raihan) Where stories live. Discover now