Chapter 34

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As Raihan walked into Y/N's hospital room, his heart almost stopped when he saw her sitting up in her bed with the ventilator out of her mouth, now conscious. She looked over at him, and smiled, hiding all of the pain she felt.

"There's my Rai." she exhaled, happier than ever to see him.

"Y-You're okay?" Raihan sniffled, as he walked over to her.

"That's what they tell me." she shrugged, giggling.

"I..." he couldn't form any words.

He gently caressed her face, trying not to stare too much as she had one black eye, and a bandage covering the stitches over her left eye. It made him sick to think that anyone could have done this to her, and he would do anything to make it better.

"I'm sorry." she blurted before he could say anything.

"You are sorry?" he chuckled, confused.

"I didn't believe you when you told me about what happened with Nicki at the club... I should have trusted you."

"Oh, sweetheart..." he sighed, as he pulled up a chair and sat next to her. He grabbed her now warm hands, and held them to his lips. "I'm sorry that I let that happen to begin with. I should have never gone up there, and I should have never left you alone at that hotel."

Y/N knew Raihan felt guilty, and that's the last thing she wanted him to feel. Rose would have gotten her one way or another, and Raihan couldn't have prevented that.

"Rai, this wasn't your fault." she reassured him, as a single tear fell from his eyes. "I'm okay now, I promise." She then placed her hand on his cheek, and gently pulled him towards her so she could kiss his lips.

He was careful while he gently pressed his lips against hers, relieved more than ever that she was fine.

"I am never going to let anything bad ever happen to you again. I promise you." he swore, as he pressed his forehand against hers before pulling back.

As the two looked into each others eyes lovingly, they heard a gentle knock at the door. The doctor came back in, with a couple of police officers.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but we are going to need to ask you two a few questions." one of the officers said.

Y/N nodded, and allowed the two to enter her room as Raihan moved to the other side of the bed.

"Can you start from the beginning? Of when you first met Rose?" the officer asked, as Y/N nodded, then sighed before answering.

She knew Raihan didn't know the full story or what the extent of their meetings were about, but she now had to be completely honest with them and herself. If there was anything that could help keep Rose and his accomplices behind bars, she would do it.

'Start from the beginning.' she thought to herself. 'Where do I start? The opening ceremony?'

Before beginning, she grabbed Raihan's hand for reassurance. He squeezed hers back, and sat right next to her not wanting to leave her side.

She told the police of her first encounter with Rose; at the opening gym ceremony. Even though that was technically the first time they met, she let them know about the numerous times she felt like she was being watched in the wild area. Unable to prove if it actually had been Rose, she felt as though it should have been mentioned.

Then, came all of their private meetings. She let them know his plan was to ultimately get her on his side, and realized she should have told someone sooner before things got out of hand. It was always strange to her why he singled her out from any of the gym challengers. If he was the one who had been watching her train and practice all those times in the wild area, it would make sense that he at least knew her real strength, which he also mentioned a couple of times.

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