Chapter 15

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As Y/N, Hop and Marnie arrived in Stow on Side city, they were immediately hit by the blazing sun. It was extremely hot there, so they decided to head straight to the gym. They were eager to begin their next gym challenge, and couldn't wait to start.

As they walked into the stadium, they ran into Jack, who seemed to be leaving in a hurry. Before he left, Hop grabbed his arm to slow him down.

"Jack! Why are you leaving in such a rush?" Hop asked him.

"I-I just have to go, Hop..." Jack said as he pulled his arm out of Hops grip, and left the stadium.

"I wonder what that was about?" Y/N questioned. "He had wanted to meet up after our battles."

"Oh no..." Hop started. "It looks like he lost against Bea." he saw as he was looking at a post on his phone.

"Poor Jack.." Marnie sighed.

"We can't let it get to us. We are going to be just fine." Hop stated.

As the three were walking up to check in with the receptionist, they noticed a few people talking about them.

Little kids with their parents, other trainers, they seemed to be the center of attention. As they got up to the desk, a little boy ran up to Y/N and asked her if she was going to be battling today.

"Uh, yes I am battling Bea today!" she replied.

"AWESOME! I cant wait to watch your battle!" the little boy exclaimed as he ran back to his parents.

"How cute. Someone is starting to get some fans, isn't she?" Raihan said to Leon, as the two walked up to them.

"Oh, you saw that?" Y/N sweat dropped.

"I sure did, Princess. It was adorable." he joked as he poked her nose.

"At least she doesn't have a bunch of fan boys drooling all over her." Leon teased.

"Yeah Champ, you do that enough yourself." Raihan laughed. "I'm sure she will soon enough, I mean look at her!"

This made Y/N blush. She was still thinking about her night with Raihan, and didn't want to give away how she felt too much. Hop and Marnie were already being a little skeptical.

"Anyways, who's going first?" Hop asked his friends.

"I can?" Y/N offered.

"Sounds good to me, mate!"

Y/N checked in and went to the locker room to change before starting the gym battle. It wasn't soon after that she was already on deck to go battle Bea. As she stood in the tunnel, she made her way out to meet in the middle of the field with the fourth gym leader.

"You have been quite the talk amongst the other gym leaders." Bea said to her, "I am excited to see what you can do."

They both went to take the pitch, and sent out their first pokémon, as the stadium roared. Y/N decided she wanted to use Ninetales against Bea's first two pokémon, and she quickly took down Bea's Hitmontop and Pangoro.

Y/N could tell Bea was starting to sweat. Most people misjudged her for being weak based on her looks, which was the last thing she was. She decided to switch it up, and called back Ninetales as she sent out Noivern.

Noivern was a Flying and Dragon type, so he had the upper hand. As he took down Bea's Sirfetch'd, she was on to her last pokémon while Y/N was as calm as could be.

Bea sent out Machamp, and decided to Gigantamax him, as Y/N sent out Dynamax Noivern. He quickly used Max Airstream, and ended the battle with a super effective hit.

Torn Between Two (Leon x Reader x Raihan) Where stories live. Discover now