Chapter 33

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There Rose was, standing in the middle of the power plant, observing the now cracked pokéball that previously belonged to Eternatus. He heard footsteps slowly approaching, and turned around to see Y/N staggering towards him.

"Ah, miss Y/N." Rose smiled. "I'm surprised to see you made it out of the restraints."

She looked at him in disgust, unable to think of anything to say. As she let go of Ninetales, she continuing walking towards him by herself.

"You don't look too good, sweetie. You should go back to my office and rest a bit." Rose jeered, as she became infuriated. "Nicki did quite the work on you. I must say, I'm still upset I didn't get to you first myself."

"Y-You need to stop this, Rose." Y/N stammered.

"There's nothing to stop now. We've already brought about the Darkest Day... or should I say, the ultimate Pokémon - Eternatus."

Y/N looked at him in confusion, unsure of what he was talking about.

"Must I explain myself? I know you must think I am doing something terrible, but you would have understood if you trusted me and joined me with this plan. I must provide the Galar region with limitless energy to ensure every lasting prosperity. It is my purpose, my duty, my destiny!"

"You're mad!" she shouted, as he shook his head.

"If you had let me in and listened to my plan, you would be on the same page as me, my dear. This would have been our plan. Even Leon was on board after we spoke last."

"I don't believe you. Leon would never agree to this."

"All of the wishing stars we've collected, have been given to Eternatus. Surely you remember the red light that caused a ruckus in Motostoke and Wedgehurst? If I remember correctly, you helped Leon one of those times. They were all part of our experiments to awaken Eternatus. I can't let you interfere with my plan to protect the future of Galar."

Before Y/N knew it, Rose was calling out one of his Pokémon. She thankfully had her bag now, and called out Flygon, as Ninetales was hurt and she didn't want to make it worse. She called out an attack, and the battle begun.


After the two tirelessly battled, Rose was on his last pokémon while Y/N now had Lucario out who was full of energy. As Rose called back his Copperajah and sent back out his Gigantimax form, Y/N returned Lucario, and Dynamax'd him while the battle continued.

Once Rose's last partner fell, he recalled him and stood back, as Lucario shrank down in size.

"Now Lucario, Aura Sphere." Y/N commanded.

"Lucario?" he turned to his trainer, questioning if he heard her right.

"Aura Sphere. Now!" she yelled, as he hesitantly attacked Chairman Rose.

The attack hit head on, causing Rose to fall and land on his back near Eternatus's pokéball.

"Again." Y/N demanded, as Lucario withheld. "That isn't a suggestion Lucario, do it!" she shouted, while beginning to cry.

Her entire body ached, and it was all because of Rose. She almost lost her relationship with Raihan, and her life, because of him. All she wanted now was revenge, and if Lucario wasn't going to do it for her, she would have to muster up the energy to do it herself.

As her partner stood back alongside Ninetales, Y/N stumbled over to Rose and looked him dead in the eyes, as he was still recovering from the attack he just received.

She then clenched her fists, and was about to lean down to let him have it, until she felt someone grabbing her arm.


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