Chapter 19

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As Y/N got to Marnies room, she knocked on the door and was welcomed in by her friend. She had spent a lot of time with Barry and Lucas when they were in town, and she was really starting to miss Hop and Marnie.

"Y/N!" Marnie exclaimed, as she let her friend in.

"Hey Mar!" Y/N smiled. "Sorry about yesterday, I had a day." she exhaled, as she walked in and sat on the couch.

"Yeah, Hop told me what had happened... I'm sorry."

"It is what it is." she scoffed. "I actually went to Hops room and ran into Leon there, so I had to get away."

"Well, you're always welcome here." she gave her a soft smile.

"Thank you." she smiled back. "I am excited to head to Circhester today, though!"

"Me too! I should be just about ready."

"Don't forget to pack warm clothes!" Y/N giggled.

"Right, thanks!"

As Marnie finished up getting ready, the two girls gathered their things, and made their way to the lobby to meet up with Hop.


Hop was about to leave his room, until he was caught off guard by his older brother, Leon. He had just told Hop he was falling for his best friend, Y/N, and he couldn't believe it.

"I just don't get it, Lee." Hop sighed, as he came back into the room and sat next to his brother.

"None of it was ever a game. Not for me, at least. Raihan? I don't know. But I really do like her." Leon replied.

"I just don't get it. How can say that, but have your thing with Sonia? You said things were going well with her?" Hop asked.

"They have been, which is why I've felt so confused lately. But it doesn't mean I don't care about Y/N. She means so much to me."

"Like I said last time, you need to figure out your shit first before bringing her into it. She was really hurt about the situation with Raihan, and even more that you knew and didn't tell her; she's just not in the best place to deal with you right now. We have bigger things to worry about."

"Yeah, I guess you're right..." Leon muttered. "So we probably shouldn't go watch your match in Circhester today?"

"Probably not the best idea, Lee."

"Alright then. I'll try and get Raihan to stay in town, if he hasn't headed over there already."

Hop shook his head, and got up as he headed out the door. "I'll see you later, Lee."


Y/N and Marnie were patiently waiting in the lobby as they saw their friend, Hop, approaching. He smiled as he walked up to the girls, and they stood up and grabbed their things.

"You guys ready to go?" Hop asked, as they both said yes. "Looks like we're going to have to head towards route 7, then up route 8 to get to Circhester."

"It'll be a good place to get some training in." Y/N mentioned.

"Yeah, you're right!" Hop exclaimed.

"I saw there's a hotel there we could stay at for the night as well, if we are too tired to come back here."

"Perfect! Let's head out."

The three friends got up and headed out the front doors, as they ran into a familiar face. It was Raihan. Y/N froze when she saw him, as he looked at her with his sweet, toothy smile and bright blue eyes.

Torn Between Two (Leon x Reader x Raihan) Where stories live. Discover now