Chapter 4

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The next morning...

Y/N woke up to the sound of her alarm, the day had finally come, she was about to head back to Sinnoh for the Summer.

Over the past year, she had spoken with Barry and Lucas a couple of times, but not as much as she would've like. Since she moved to Galar at the end of the summer last year, it had been far too long since she had seen them.

She wondered how much they've changed, if things would be different, and how much fun she hoped they would soon have together.

Although she was excited to see her old friends, she would miss her new best friend Hop, and his older brother Leon, who she had also become good friends with.

After she got ready and made sure her bags were packed, she was going to go see them to say goodbye. To tell Hop that it would be okay and she would see him soon, and to tell Leon good luck with his gym challenge, for she wasn't sure when the next time they would see each other again was. Right as she was about to walk out the door, her mother stopped her.

"You almost ready to go Y/N?" she asked, sitting at their dining room table with something in her hands.

"Yes mom, I was going to go say bye to Leon and Hop if that was alright?" Y/N asked, noticing her mother acting strange, and trying to see what she was hiding from her.

"Yes, of course honey. But, before you do that, I need to talk to you for a second.." her mother said as she gestured to her daughter to sit down with her.

Y/N was not sure what was to come, but she did what her mother had asked and sat across the table from her. In her mothers hands, was a single pokéball. Her mother placed it on the table, and motioned for Y/N to grab it.

"Now, I know we have talked about you going to Sinnoh to study under Professor Rowan, but I think it's time you get your own pokémon. Even though you are wanting to become a professor, I would feel more comfortable with you having someone with you, especially with me staying here."

Y/N's eyes grew wide. She grabbed the gift from her mother and looked at it in her hands. Was she finally getting her first pokémon? Her first partner? She didn't care what was inside of the pokéball, she would love them no matter who came out of it.

"A- are you sure mom? This is really mine?" Y/N asked, trying not to get emotional.

"Yes honey. I trust you will raise them well and grow stronger together. They will be there for you when I cannot. Go ahead and open it!" her mother said, almost worried that she had chosen the right partner for her daughter, along with the help of a professor in their new town.

Y/N stood up and pointed the pokéball infront of her. Out came a small, fire type pokémon. It was a Vulpix. And she was perfect.

"Oh. My. Arceus." Y/N said. "She is PERFECT!!!"

Y/N ran up and hugged her mother, the small pokémon watching them, confused as to where she was and what was happening. Y/N then slowly went up to her new partner, and scratched her head the same way she did with Charmeleon.

"Hi Vulpix! I'm Y/N! You and I are going to be the best of friends and even better partners!"

Vulpix immediately fell into Y/N's arms and started to lick her face. They loved each other already.

"Vulpix!" her pokémon said with excitement to finally be with her trainer.

"Oh wow, would you look at you two! So cute!" Y/N's mother said as she got out her rotom phone to take a picture to capture the moment. The two giggled as Vulpix went back to licking Y/N's face.

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