Chapter 24

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Raihan led Y/N into his apartment, and went towards the kitchen to set down their food and get some plates out for them. As she walked in, she set her things next to the living room couch and walked towards the window. The view was incredible, it showed all of Hammerlocke, which was especially beautiful at night.

Raihan laughed, as he watched her take in the view. He then brought over two plates full
of food, and she followed him to the couch as he threw on a movie.

"What do you think?" he asked, wanting her opinion on his place.

"It's incredible, Rai." she said in awe, as she looked up and noticed how high his ceilings were.

"I had it specially made when this building was being built; due to my height and my pokémon, I wanted them to have room to roam around." he said, referring to the high rise ceilings.

"Wow." she giggled. "Pretty impressive."

"Well, what's mine is yours, sweetheart. Make yourself at home." he kissed the side of her head, as she let her emotions take over.

Y/N remembered the comment Marnie had made about him bringing a lot of girls over here, and it was hard to think about. She wanted to believe that she was different and special to him, but his past made it so hard. Leon obviously wasn't the one for her, and she wanted Raihan to be so bad, but only if he was serious about her.

"What's wrong, my love?" he asked as he saw her facial expressions change.

"Oh, it's nothing..." she lied, and looked away as he tilted her head back towards his.

"Please talk to me." he pleaded. "First, it was as we were leaving the stadium, and now?"

She sighed. "I really don't think you want to know what it's about..." she sweat dropped.

"If it's something that's bothering you or making you upset, I do. I want to know how to help, if I can." he responded.

'Oh boy, here we go...'

"Well," she started to say, "when I first got to the stadium, the receptionist wouldn't let me in because she assumed I was one of your fan girls. I was only let in because Camilla came to get me."

"Okay, then I'll have her fired."

"No, don't do that." she laughed, as that was a little too dramatic. "Then, when I asked Camilla if girls try and come in to see you a lot, she said they did..."

"I mean..." he hesitated. "It does happen quite a bit, but it's always random girls who get turned away. I never give any of them the time of day."

"That's not the point, Raihan. I don't want to feel like another one of your fan girls..." she sighed, as he grabbed her hand.

"You are nothing like them. You mean so much more than that to me, I don't want anyone else Y/N, I just want you."

Thankfully he wasn't upset with her, and was giving her the reassurance she needed. Raihan was incredibly handsome with an amazing body, not to mention a strong trainer, so of course girls would be throwing themselves at him.

"Was that it?" he asked, as she went back to looking away.

"Well..." she sighed. "Marnie made a comment earlier referring to your apartment as 'legendary', because Hop told her something about you bringing all of your girls here? It just hurt to hear." she said with tears in her eyes.

"Y/N..." he sighed. "I know how I have been in the past, and there is no excuse for it. But I promise you, ever since we reconnected there has been no one else. Even Nicki and I were never alone together, and nothing ever happened."

Torn Between Two (Leon x Reader x Raihan) Where stories live. Discover now