Chapter 25

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"Oh, well hello there miss Y/N." Chairman Rose said to her, as she took a few steps back.

"Excuse me sir, I'm sorry." she apologized as her face turned red.

"We were just making our way out of the restaurant, but I'm glad we ran into you," he started, "I was hoping to speak with you some time today? Or tomorrow?"

"Um..." she hesitated, "tomorrow would be better for me."

"Perfect." he clasped his hands together. "It's settled then. Shall we meet at the stadium say, around eleven?"

"Yes sir, that works..." she uneasily responded.

"Good. You all have a great day."

And with that, Chairman Rose left with Oleana following closely behind, and Bede trailing them while giving everyone but Leon a dirty look.

"What was that about?" Hop asked Y/N.

"He wants to meet with me tomorrow for some reason, I'm not sure." she sweat dropped, and Leon started to look confused but withheld saying anything.

They went up to the hostess stand, and requested a private table for five. Soon enough, they were being escorted to the back and took a seat in the reserved area.

Since Y/N had already ate, she wasn't too hungry, and told Hop she would snack off his meal. He griped at having to share his food, so Leon ordered an appetizer for the table to make everyone happy.

As they started eating, Raihan had still not shown up. Y/N was starting to get concerned, but was sure everything was fine. She didn't want to bother him as she assumed he was just busy finishing up at the stadium. Leon could tell it was bothering her, but continued to say nothing.

Once they finished up, they decided to head to the wild area to get a little training in before night fall. They wanted to practice for their double battles to come, so they took turns facing off with each others pokémon.

Y/N checked her phone again to see if she received anything from Raihan, and she didn't.

Thankfully, Hop noticed something on his phone while Y/N and Marnie were training, and spoke up to them to let them know.

"Wow," Hop started, "it looks like Raihan actually did have another match today."

"He did?" Y/N asked, relieved to hear he was okay.

"Yeah, with Bede."

Y/N and Marnie paused their training battle to go over to Hop to see what he was talking about.

"It looks like their match just finished," he said flashing them his phone, "and Bede won."

"Oh no..." Y/N groaned.

"Ugh. I hate that guy." Marnie scoffed, as none of them were a big fan of Bede.

"Guess that makes sense why he's not here." Hop stated.

Y/N felt bad that Raihan had lost a match and she wasn't there to support him. Thankfully she had got enough training in for the day, and was ready to head back to his apartment. She wasn't sure if he would still want to go to dinner, but didn't care regardless as long as she got to see him.

"I think I'm going to go," Y/N told them. "I'll see you guys tomorrow?"

"You don't want to get dinner?" Hop asked, curious as to why she seemed to be in a rush to leave.

"I think Rai and I have dinner plans." she sweat dropped, as Leon rolled his eyes.

"I'm going to go too." Leon spoke up. "Need to meet with Sonia before it gets too late."

Torn Between Two (Leon x Reader x Raihan) Where stories live. Discover now