Chapter 38

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It was now Friday morning, and Y/N and Raihan decided it was time to gather some things and pack their bags so they could head to Wyndon to prepare for her match the following day. Thankfully most of her injuries faded to light bruises, so no one would suspect anything from her appearance, but it was still evident to her.

She hated looking in the mirror and having to see her appearance and be reminded of everything that had happened, but finally the scars were almost gone and she could put it all behind her.

The only thing, or person, who made her smile and feel loved the past week had been Raihan. Even though he was gentle with her, he treated her just as he normally would and did his best to constantly compliment her and help boost her self esteem that was at an all time low. He really was a great guy, and Y/N felt so thankful to have him in her life.

Not only did he compliment her appearance, he watched her train in awe, and made it a point to remind her how strong she was, physically and mentally, and how she and her team could accomplish anything they set their mind to.

He made sure that every time she went to go train, he was right there with her. Wether it was giving her pointers and advice, or just simply letting her do things her way while he watched, he showed up and was there. He knew she needed him now more than ever, and he wanted to ensure that she felt comfortable and safe.

It was Thursday afternoon, and the two decided to go to the wild area once more so Y/N could get some last minute training in before her match with Leon.

Once they were in the Hammerlocke Hills, Y/N called out her team and watched Flygon and Lucario go at it on the empty field in front of them, while Raihan and Ninetales stood back, taking in the view. They spent the entire day there training and training until the sun set, and after some extensive training with each of her team members, excluding Eternatus, night fall hit and Y/N was ready for her battle against Leon.


Things were finally starting to feel like normal again, and she had waited long enough for this moment. It was time for the Champion Cup Tournament; and hopefully time to finally crown a new Champion.

After ensuring they had everything they needed for the weekend, they made their way down to the lobby to head outside and call a flying taxi. It was somewhat early in the morning, so no one was around but they knew once they made it into town things would be different; they were bound to get extremely hectic. The region had waited long enough for this battle, and were becoming far too impatient.

Would Galar finally have a new champion after so long? Y/N was very capable of defeating Leon, but he was an incredibly strong trainer and was very unpredictable. They would see soon enough, and were excited either way.

"The taxi should be here soon." Raihan smiled down at Y/N, as he placed his arm around her. As she leaned into his chest, she looked up at him and smiled as he leaned down to kiss her forehead. "You excited?"

"For the most part." she sweat dropped. "A little nervous if I'm being honest."

"Nah, you have nothing to worry about, sweetheart." he reassured. "Leon's strong, but my girl is even stronger."

"So you're not going to be mad when I defeat Leon and become the new champion?" she giggled.

"Not at all." he smiled, showing his toothy grin. "You're going to be the hottest champion Galar, well, every region, has ever seen." Y/N rolled her eyes and laughed at him; he was definitely helping boost her confidence.

"So even if I'm, technically, your boss, you'll be okay with it?" she teased.

He raised a brow, and leaned down to whisper in her ear, "I don't mind you being my boss, as long as you remember who the real boss is in the bedroom..." he then nibbled her ear causing chills to go down her spine.

Torn Between Two (Leon x Reader x Raihan) Where stories live. Discover now