Chapter 29

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It was finally Monday morning; the day that the Champion Cup Tournament would begin was here. As people from all over Galar made their way to Wyndon to watch the first battles, the contestants woke up early to begin their preparations.

Hop and Marnie had been up for a few hours by now; they couldn't sleep in any longer due to their excitement for the day to come. Whoever made it past the semi finals would be one step closer to facing off with Leon, the Unbeatable Champion.

Although they wanted to spend the morning together, the league staff told Hop and Marnie they couldn't, as they were to be escorted to the stadium to prevent anything from happening to them before their match. The hotel security was pretty high, considering the gym challengers and gym leaders were all staying under the same roof.

While they remained in their rooms getting ready, they heard a knock at their doors, and knew it was time. They made their way to the stadium, and headed towards the locker room to then wait to see who the first battle would be between.

Hop, Marnie and Bede looked at the screen, and displayed in front of them was the first battle contestants. Hop versus Bede, which would be followed by Marnie and Y/N, who had yet to arrive.

"At least that gives her time to show..." Hop sweat dropped.

"Ugh, you're telling me I have to waste my time battling against this loser first?" Bede sighed.

Hop and Marnie looked at him with anger, then tried to brush off his comment.

"This will be over quick." Bede scoffed. "Looks like you and I will be facing off soon, Marnie. Unless your little friend decides to show, but I doubt it." he flipped his hair, and walked out the room.

"That guy..." Hop clenched his fist, as Marnie closed her hands around it.

"Ignore him. You're going to do great, Hop." she said, while trying to flash a soft smile. "I'm sure Y/N will be here soon to see you win. Just focus on your battle and nothing else."

"Thanks, Marnie." he exhaled. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

"Challenger Hop, they're ready for you." one of the league staff interrupted.

Hop gave her a quick kiss, then made his way out of the tunnel as his battle time was up. Marnie sat down on the bench with Morpeko on her lap, facing the tv screen as she waited for the two trainers to meet in the middle of the field, and take the pitch.


Leon sat in the press box alongside Chairman Rose, adding his commentary when asked, while all of the other gym leaders sat in a suite, eagerly waiting to see who would make it to the next round and face off for a spot in the finals.

"So, Champion Leon," the tournament commentator asked, "this first battle consists of your little brother who you endorsed, and the trainer the Chairman endorsed; who do you think is going to win?"

Leon chuckled uneasily, as he knew they were trying to get him to slip up and say the wrong thing.

"I think that any trainer who can make it past the first eight gym leaders deserves to be here, so no matter the outcome, they should all be proud of their accomplishments."

Chairman Rose nodded in agreement, and because he liked the answer Leon gave.

"And what about the other two lucky trainers? Challenger Y/N and Challenger Marnie, what are your thoughts on them?"

Leon hesitated, before thinking of what he could say without letting his feelings get in the way.

"Again, two incredible trainers as well. We are lucky to witness the next generation of great trainers making their mark in our region. Todays battles will be one for the books, and I wish all of them the best."

Torn Between Two (Leon x Reader x Raihan) Where stories live. Discover now