Chapter 12

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As Y/N and Marnie walked into the lobby, a small Yamper ran up to greet them. He was very friendly, and the two looked around to see if he was by himself or if his trainer was around. Y/N got on his level to pet him, and saw the shadow of someone walking up to her.

"Sorry, he likes meeting new people." the stranger said.

"Oh don't worry about it! He's adorable!" Y/N giggled as she stood up to see who she was talking to.

It was a tall, beautiful girl with bright orange hair in a side ponytail. Walking up behind her, was Raihan and Nessa, the water gym leader.

"Hey Princess!" Raihan said as he went up to hug Y/N.

She hugged him back as the two girls looked at her, then at each other. She wasn't sure what was going on but things felt very tense.

"You remember Nessa, I'm sure. And this is Sonia." Raihan introduced the girls.

Sonia. Why was that name familiar? Where had she heard that name before?

That's right, she was someone Hop had mentioned. The one who Leon had a 'thing' with? What was she doing here?

"Nice to meet you Sonia. Good to see you again Nessa." Y/N shyly spoke up to the two girls who were giving her dirty looks now.

"Likewise. Hi Marnie." Nessa said as she waved to the girl behind Y/N.

"Where's Leon?" Sonia asked them.

"Um, he should be meeting up with us here shortly." Y/N replied.

"How was your day, love?" Raihan asked Y/N as he put his arm around her.

As she was going to respond, the elevator opened and out came Hop and Leon. The two brothers started walking towards the group, and as soon as they were closer, Sonia ran up to give Leon a big hug.

Y/N's eyes grew wide, realizing that what Hop said may be true. Leon immediately made eye contact with Y/N as Sonia had her arms around his neck, and she looked away.

"Uh, hey Sonia, what are you doing here?" Leon asked her.

"Hi Lee. I've missed you! Did you not get our texts?" Sonia questioned him.

"I'm not sure, I haven't been on my phone much today."

"Tomorrow is Nessa's birthday! We're going out tonight in Hammerlocke. Rai already called the flying taxis so we've just been waiting on you."

"Come on champ, I texted you like five times!" Raihan said, "Must've been too busy training today, huh?"

"I just wasn't on my phone." he scoffed.

"Anyways, you ready to go? Hop would you mind watching Yamper for me tonight?"

"Sure Sonia!" Hop happily said.

"Alright, well let's go guys. Piers and Gordie should be meeting us there, and Milo is already waiting for us!" Sonia said as she grabbed Leon's hand and headed towards the door.

"Y/N, you wanna come?" Raihan asked her.

Sonia stopped, and looked at her to hear her response. She didn't think she was invited, and definitely feel welcome.

"Rai... It's Nessa's birthday! I think she only wants her friends there. Y/N wouldn't want to intrude, now would she?" Sonia smugly said, as she looked right at Y/N.

"I actually have plans with Hop and Marnie, but thanks Rai." she answered, as she and Marnie walked past him and Leon to go to her room.

Leon, still holding hands with Sonia, said nothing to Y/N, which surprised her more than anything.

Torn Between Two (Leon x Reader x Raihan) Where stories live. Discover now