Chapter 2

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The Galar region was so different than Sinnoh, there was so many different pokémon and so many sights, Y/N couldn't believe her eyes! They were moving to the small town of Postwick, it was a nice area. Y/N couldn't help but feel the excitement of a new place and adventure beginning to start for her, even though she knew she would miss her friends.

"Y/N, help me unpack please." Y/N's mother said as she was wandering outside the front yard.

A few hours went by and they were almost fully moved in. It was starting to get dark, so Y/N's mother ordered food and they sat at the table and talked about their new town and how things would be different. Professor Rowan had called during the meal, and was glad to hear you both made it their safely. Y/N waited for Barry and Lucas to call, but they never did. She tried to think of why they wouldn't, but that only made her more upset. Her mother noticed this as Y/N was now only picking at the rest of her food.

"So, I was thinking tomorrow we could go find a good school for you to register for? Might be a good way for you to make some new friends?" Her mother said.

"Yeah, okay.." Y/N said quietly.

How could she make new friends when her old friends didn't even miss her? All she could think about was the two boys she would hangout with everyday. Soon enough, it would be summer and she could go back and visit them, but did they even want to see her? Were they happier that she was gone? No, that couldn't be it.

"Mom, I'm gonna get ready for bed. I'll see you in the morning." Y/N said as she walked to her room.

"Okay honey, I love you!" Her mother replied as she kissed her forehead.

Once in bed, she looked out the window at the sky that was filled with stars, and Y/N smiled to herself. Things were going to be okay, she just knew it. Barry and Lucas did miss her, they were best friends after all. She would hopefully talk to them tomorrow. She quickly fell asleep after the long day of moving finally caught up to her.


The next morning...

"Y/N, honey wake up! It's time to get up! We have a big day ahead of us!" Y/N's mother said as she watched her daughter yawn.

"Fine, i'm up." Y/N groaned as she got out of bed.

She got dressed and was ready to head out with her mother as she heard something at the front door.

"What was that?"

Y/N said walking to the door to see for herself, as her mother was still getting ready. To her surprise, she saw a charmander  scratching at her front door.

"Oh! Well hello there buddy!" She bent down to pet the fire type pokémon's head. "Are you lost?" She asked, as he started to coo, he clearly liked Y/N, especially the way she was scratching his head.

"Oh my Arceus! There you are!" A purple haired boy said as he ran up to the two.

"Thank you so much for finding him!" The boy said as he grabbed his pokémon.

"Oh, uh, you're welcome.." Y/N said as she started to blush. She could tell the boy was older than her, and man was he cute.

"Did you just move in here?" he asked

"Uh, yes. We did yesterday." Y/N said.

"Well nice meet you! The names Leon, I live right down that road!" Leon said as he pointed to his house, "What's your name?"

"Y/N." she said quietly, she never got nervous but for some reason she could feel her face starting to get warmer as she couldn't stop blushing.

"Y/N, what a nice name! Thank you again for helping me catch my charmander!" Leon said with a big grin on his face.

"Y- You're welcome Leon." Y/N said as her mother came out the door.

"Well hello, who are you two cuties?" Y/N's mother said

"Mom!!!" Y/N said, embarrassed.

"Hi ma'am, i'm Leon and this is my partner Charmander. We live just down the road, Y/N here helped me with my pokémon as he somehow wandered to your house!" Leon said, patting his partner on the head.

"Well it sure is nice to meet you both!" Y/N's mother said as Leon started to lead the way down the road back towards his house. Y/N's mother wanted to make sure the boy and his pokémon got home safe.

Leon's mother and younger brother were outside, concerned as the young boy ran out the front door frantically to go look for his Pokémon. He wasn't the best with directions, and the last thing his family wanted was to lose him, again...

Y/N's mother and Leon's mother were introduced by Leon, and soon started to talk about their recent move and plans for the day. Leon's mother invited Y/N and her mother over for dinner that night, and they both gladly accepted.

"Hi there, I'm Hop! Who are you?" a younger boy asked as he came up to Y/N.

She could tell he was around her age, and he seemed friendly enough.

"Hop, this is Y/N! She saved charmander after he got out and somehow ended up at her house!" Leon said as his partner ran back to Y/N, he started to laugh as he watched his Pokémon nuzzle up to her.

"Wow, he really likes you!" Hop said giggling, "It's nice to meet you Y/N!"

"It's nice to meet you Hop" Y/N said giggling too, continuing to pet the pokémon's head.

Y/N and her mother said their goodbyes as they walked into town. She couldn't help but smile when she thought of the two boys she just met, especially Leon. She was excited too see them both again at dinner, and was glad they invited them. Also, they lived so close to each other! It was like how it used to be with Barry and Lucas, who she still had not heard from. She shook her head as she tried not to get upset, they were probably busy and she was soon to be as well. She would talk to them soon, right?

It wasn't hard to get rid of those feelings once she thought of Leon and Hop. Wow, she made friends in just a day? Well, she hoped they would be her friends, she liked them both, and charmander too. Maybe her mother would let her get her first Pokémon too? She never seemed too interested in having one, but something about the way Leon and his partner acted together made her want one, and made her think about what it would be like to become a Pokémon trainer.

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