Chapter 30

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First, Hop sent out Dubwool causing Y/N to counter with Lucario. She knew his team, and had some pretty distinctive type advantages against him. Although she knew she could easily win, she didn't want to let her guard down.

"Lucario, Aura Sphere!" she called, as he commanded.

Before Hop could send a counter attack, his partner had fainted.

"Of course you'd start off with a super effective attack! What else would I expect from my rival." he growled, as she smirked.

She knew what was coming next. As Hop recalled Dubwool, he sent out Snorlax. Continuing to keep Lucario out, she called for him to repeat the same attack.

"Snorlax, use Take Down!" Hop shouted, as both Pokémon collided.

They both shakily stood up, trying to recover from the attacks, until Y/N called for Lucario to use 'Close Combat', causing Snorlax to faint.

Hop recalled his pokémon, then sent out Corviknight. Y/N could tell Lucario was exhausted, and knew he needed a break. She returned him, and thanked him for his hard work, then sent out Luxray.

As Luxray touched the battle field, he let out a screech and let his electricity bounce off of his body and onto the field. Y/N and her partner both had a determined look in their eyes, and were ready to attack.

"Corviknight, use Sky Attack!" Hop commanded.

"Luxray, counter with Thunder!" Y/N shouted.

As her partner charged up, the clouds in the sky turned dark and a bolt of lightning struck the battle field. Luckily for Hop, his partner was fast, and was able to dodge it while hitting Luxray head on.

Although it did damage, it wasn't enough. Luxray took a couple seconds to stand up, but once he did, he let out an even powerful thunder attack causing Corviknight to faint.

After Hop returned his Pokémon, Luxray fell to the ground and fainted. He was able to hold on just enough to get one last move in before needing to rest. Y/N sadly called him back, and got ready to send out her next Pokémon.

Hop sent out Pincurchin, while Y/N sent out Flygon. As the two trainers called out attacks, Y/N once again came out on top after commanding her partner to use 'Earthquake'.

She could tell Hop was stressed, as he was now on to his last team member, while she had only one of hers faint.

He exhaled, and sent out Inteleon. Y/N kept Flygon out, and the two Pokémon went at it. He tried his best, but Flygon ended up fainting, as he was tired from the battle before. Y/N knew what she had to do, and she had to do it fast.

Despite being at a type disadvantage, she called out Ninetales. Hop was just as shocked as the crowd was to see her choice, and while he was still processing it, Y/N called out for Ninetales to use 'Energy Ball'. It was a direct hit, and a super effective one, but Inteleon held on.

Before anything else happened, she knew what Hop's next move would be, and did the same as she knew he would. Both trainers called back their Pokémon, and sent out the Dynamax forms of them.

The crowd went wild as the clouds turned red, and the two Pokémon on the field grew in size.

"Max Geyser!" "Max Overgrowth!" both trainers called at the same time.

As the attacks collided, the field filled with smoke, and everyone waited to see what remained underneath it. Sure enough, there lay Inteleon, fainted, as Ninetales stood tall and proud.

"Inteleon is unable to battle, the win goes to Challenger Y/N!" the announcer exclaimed, as the stadium erupted with chants of her name.

Y/N ran up to Ninetales and picked her up as they celebrated. She didn't want Hop to be too upset, so she quickly set her partner down, and then walked to the middle of the field to meet up with him.

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