Chapter 32

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The first feeling Y/N woke up to, as she opened her eyes and glanced around the dimly lit room she was now being held hostage in.

Throbbing pain.

It was coming from her head, which is when she remembered she had been attacked the night before. She tried to reach up to her forehead to trace the laceration she received, but was unable to due to the restraints holding her back.

'Where am I?' she thought to herself, as she glanced down to see her wrists and ankles being tied together by rope.

As she tried to free herself, she struggled to move, only causing the rope to burn against her skin.

"There's no use in trying to escape." an unknown, but familiar voice spoke up to her while hiding in the shadows.

"Who are you? Why am I here?" Y/N shouted into the darkness, unable to point where the voice was coming from.

"You'll know soon enough." they said, followed by an ominous laugh.


"Gym Leader Raihan?" Nurse Joy called out, as he ran up to her. "Ninetales is all better, but she needs to take it easy."

Raihan let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you so much." he told her, as Ninetales was brought back out to him with a white ace bandage wrapped over her right paw.

"I know it's not my business..." Nurse Joy started, "but may I ask you what happened to her? She's not your pokémon, correct?"

"No, she's not." he exhaled. "I found her like this. She belongs to my girlfriend, who I am having a little trouble finding right now."

"Well, you did a good thing bringing her in right away." Joy smiled. "Good luck with your girlfriend, let us know if we can be of any more assistance."

"Thank you, Nurse Joy." Raihan smiled, before taking the fire type into his arms and leaving the Pokémon center.

"Okay girl," Raihan told Ninetales, "we're going to meet up with Leon and then we're going to find Y/N."

Ninetales nodded, and finally relaxed in Raihan's arms now that she felt safe. She had spent the entire night in pain, hiding in a bush from the people who attacked Y/N, and she was exhausted. Yet, that didn't take away from how scared she was for her trainer, and how she wished she could've done something to help.

As Raihan arrived to Wyndon, he ran inside and met up with Leon in the lobby, who then pulled him to one of the back offices where Hop and Marnie were waiting.

The three patiently listened to Raihan as he explained everything that had happened in the hotel lobby that morning. As they all took it in, they started to worry.

"So what are we going to do?" Hop questioned.

"She ran away once, are you sure she isn't doing that again?" Leon asked.

"You know she wouldn't miss her battle today against you Lee, not for anyone." Hop growled, as he shot Raihan a side eye.

"I didn't mention this before. but Y/N and I talked last night. If she ran, it wouldn't be because of me. But I don't believe that's the case. This means too much to her, and she would not have left Ninetales." Raihan admitted.

"Didn't you say there was... b-blood outside her room?" Marnie stuttered, not wanting to think about anything happening to her friend.

"I didn't physically see it, but that's what the officer said."

While trying to think of what to do next, the four were startled by the doors opening, just to see Piers, Sonia and Nessa walk in.

"We checked around the stadium, and she's not here." Sonia sighed.

Torn Between Two (Leon x Reader x Raihan) Where stories live. Discover now