Chapter 21

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As Y/N sat there, looking into Raihan's bright blue eyes, she knew what she should do, but instead, went with what her heart wanted. There was a bigger chance of her getting hurt than things working out, but she couldn't have him out of her life.

"Look, you don't need to give me a decision right now, but just know I'm here whenever you have one. I know you and Leon are talking again, and I understand that, so whatever you want to do, sweetheart." Raihan smiled.

She didn't want to let him go, and knew that continuing to talk with him and Leon meant someone would get hurt, herself included, but they both knew this coming in and wanted to be with her anyways.

Raihan got up to leave, and felt her grab his hand to stop him. He turned around and looked at her, as she pulled him back onto the bed and jumped in his arms.

He pulled her in for a hug, and held her tight. He was glad things would finally be good with them. There was always the chance she would pick Leon, and he hoped she didn't, but he at least now had a chance to fight for her.

"I've missed you, Princess." he sighed.

"I've missed you too, Rai."

As they continued hugging, he pulled her onto the bed and laid there with her in his arms. She giggled, as she looked up at him and was greeted with a kiss.

Kissing Raihan was one of her favorite things, she couldn't get enough. Once she pulled back, she nuzzled her nose against his, and he laughed and started kissing her all over her face.

The rain continued to fall, and the lightning lit up the room. Y/N was starting to get a little cold, so she got under the covers and motioned for Raihan to join her. He got comfortable, and opened his arms wide for her to slip right in them and cuddle up to him.

She laid on his chest and closed her eyes, as she listened to the sound of his heart beat. Things were finally starting to feel normal again, and she felt relieved.

Raihan gently rubbed her back and ran his fingers through her hair, relaxing her enough that she almost fell asleep.

"Can I stay? Or do you want me to go?" he asked, as she sleepily looked up at him.

"I'm too comfortable for you to move." she giggled. "plus, it's cold and you're really warm so..."

"Looks like I'm staying." he leaned down and kissed her forehead. "I'm glad you want me too."

"Let's just stay like this forever." she muttered, while dozing off.

"Whatever you want, sweetheart."

Y/N fell asleep in Raihan's arms, and slept peacefully through out the night. Even though she would get scared from the weather, he made her feel safe and helped her not to worry.


The next morning, Leon woke up early to make his way to the gym. It was still raining outside, but it was finally starting to pass. As he got dressed and left him room, he noticed Raihan was not on the couch.

He didn't want to know that Raihan had slept in Y/N's room all night, but he knew he did. Last night, he went upstairs to go try and talk to Y/N, but heard the two talking, so he went back to his room. It hurt, but he knew that was bound to happen.

Hopefully she would want to stay with him tonight, because he didn't want Raihan to get all her time at night when he was already going to get it during the day. The hurricane would more than likely be gone by the following day, so he wanted to make the most of his time with her while she was staying there.

As he made his way out, he sent Y/N a text letting her know where he'd be, and that he would miss her. He was going to try and leave the gym early, so he could spend more time with her.

Torn Between Two (Leon x Reader x Raihan) Where stories live. Discover now