Chapter 17

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The next morning, Y/N woke up still in Barry's arms. She quietly got out of bed to shower and get ready for the day. After she got out, she forgot to grab a change of clothes, so she tip toed out into the room in her towel to grab some, until she heard a voice.

"Well good morning, N/N." Barry yawned, as he sat up. "I'm really liking the outfit you picked out for today." he teased.

"Shut up." she laughed as she rolled her eyes, and went back into the bathroom.

Once she came back out, Barry and Lucas were both up, and decided they should go back to their room to get ready for the day ahead.

"Do you wanna come with us?" Barry asked her.

"Sure! Just give me five more minutes and I'll be ready."

As she put her shoes on, she texted Hop that they were all going to Barry's room so they could get ready, and then they would be good to meet in the lobby and head to Ballonlea.

It was a far trip from Hammerlocke, so they decided to take a flying taxi to Stow on Side then make their way through the Glimwood Tangle forest that led to the city.

Once they got to Lucas and Barry's room, Y/N and Ninetales sat on the couch while the boys started to get ready. Barry said he was going to take a shower, and took his shirt off right before going to go into the bathroom.

Y/N tried not to look, but blushed at the sight of him, which he noticed. He had really toned up, and looked good. Lucas just rolled his eyes, as he went into the bathroom first to change. Barry shrugged, and went over to sit next to Y/N.

"You ready for today?" he asked, while she was still blushing.

"Yeah, definitely." she giggled. "Are you guys going to go home tomorrow?"

"I'm not sure yet..." he sighed. "We really didn't plan to be here this long."

"Yeah, I know." she sighed, as he grabbed her hand.

"I know you don't want to move back to Sinnoh, but you can always come visit. I'm sure Professor Rowan would love to see you."

"I might just take you up on that." she smiled.

As Lucas came out of the bathroom, Barry let go of her hand, and got up to go take a quick shower. Lucas headed over to the couch and took his spot next to Y/N.

"So," Lucas started, "how's that been?" referring to Barry.

"It's been nice catching up." she replied. "Is it bad I don't want you two to go back home?"

"Not at all." he smiled, "We've really missed you." as he put his hand on her shoulder.

"I've missed you guys too."

"I'm not sure if it will make a difference, but I think he really likes you, Y/N..."

She sighed. "It's just not the same Lucas... It didn't work last time we lived in different regions, I don't see how it would now."

"Just thought I'd mention it." he shrugged.

"I will definitely have to come visit you guys, and you're more than welcome to come back here whenever you want, but I think it's just smart for me and Barry to stay friends."

"Yeah, plus you still have Leon and Raihan."

"I'm not too sure about them anymore. Once you guys got here, they starting acting different."

"I'm sure things will go back to normal once we leave."

"Maybe, I just wish it didn't have to come down to that, you know?"

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