Chapter 8

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It was the morning of the opening ceremony for the gym challenge. Y/N and Hop both got up bright and early to make sure they arrived to the stadium on time.

Y/N decided to do her hair and makeup, as the ceremony was going to be broadcasted.

She straightened her hair and put two small braids on each side of her head, then tied them underneath the rest of her hair.

With her makeup, she decided to keep it natural once again, which is a look she preferred. Before she left her room, Y/N returned Ninetales to her pokéball.

"It'll only be for a little bit girl, okay?" she said to her. Ninetales nodded, and returned with no resistance.

Y/N and Hop decided to meet in the hotel lobby and walk over to the stadium together. They went inside and checked in with the receptionist, who then told them to get changed in their uniforms and head to the locker room.

Y/N wasn't the biggest fan of the uniform, but it would make do for now and she would eventually try to spice it up in her own way.

Once in the locker room, all the gym challengers waited nervously until their queue to go into the tunnel which led out onto the field. Y/N could hear the roar of the fans in the stadium, and it made her adrenaline start to rush.

Chairman Rose started to introduce himself, and then announced that the Galar region Gym Challenge would finally begin.

He explained the rules, and then welcomed Leon out to stand by his side before introducing the eight gym leaders.

Milo, Nessa, Kabu, Bea, Opal, Gordie, Piers, and last but not least, Raihan.

Y/N, Hop, and the other contestants waited in the tunnel, but saw everything. As the gym leaders walked out, the stadium roar grew even louder. Little did she know, Leon could see them, and watched how she reacted to the sight of Raihan.

Once Y/N caught a glimpse of him, her heart began to flutter. It was the kid she met all those years ago, who was so sweet to her their first encounter. He had really grown up. And wow, he was even more attractive in person.

She was now scared more than ever to go out onto the field. Would he even recognize her? She doubted it. She had changed quite a bit herself in the last ten years since she had met him.

Since she had her hair and makeup done today, despite being nervous, she at least felt confident.

"And now," Chairman Rose said, "I would like to introduce this years challengers!" as he motioned to the tunnel that everyone was patiently waiting in.

"Here we go Y/N!" Hop said, squeezing her hand before walking out onto the stadium field.

She followed his lead, but was immediately blinded by the stadium lights. She didn't expect it to be this bright, and that big.

There was so many people there, it was quite intimidating. Not to mention the ceremony being broadcasted through out multiple different regions. She wondered who else would be watching.

As she made her way to the middle of the field, she put on a brave face and decided to show everyone how confident and strong she was, even if she didn't ultimately believe it in that moment.

Torn Between Two (Leon x Reader x Raihan) Where stories live. Discover now