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As the confetti began to stick to the ground, Leon called Y/N over to meet him in the middle of the field. There in front of her, was a podium with a large gold trophy on top of it.

Her eyes glistened as she looked at her reflection on the shiny award in front of her, and everything felt surreal. It was now officially time for Leon to pass over his Champion title to Y/N, which would be broadcasted live on Galar news.

He knew how important this moment for her was, so he made sure to have one of the league members go up to the suites to get all of her friends and family and bring them down to the field to witness this first hand.

"Hey, wait a couple minutes." Leon told her, as she started walking towards the podium. "Also, you can call out your team so we can get an official picture of you with them."

She nodded, and called out her other five team members. Once they were released, they ran up to her to embrace her and join in on the celebration. Despite almost all of them fainting, they seemed to find enough energy to be there in the moment.

Y/N quickly pulled out a few full restores from her bag, and gave one to each of her Pokémon. Once they felt the cold spray on their skin, their injuries began to subside and their energy sky rocketed.

While Y/N was going to each one of her partners and thanking them for their hard work, she heard a noise in the distance and turned to see everyone she loved and cared for walking up to her emerging from one of the tunnels.

Raihan first, of course, ran up to her and quickly picked her up while spinning her around in his arms.

"You did it, Y/N!" he cheered, as she held onto him tight.

Behind him, was Hop and Marnie.

"Y/N! Congratulations, mate!" Hop exclaimed,
embracing her as Raihan set her down.

Next, came Marnie followed by Y/N's mother.

Despite not wanting her to become a trainer at first, she was incredibly proud of how far her daughter had came, and couldn't wait to celebrate with her.

Once everyone had made their rounds congratulating Y/N, it was time for the ceremony.

As she got on top of the podium, Leon officially declared her Galar's newest champion, and he handed her the golden trophy. She grabbed it and held it up in the sky as the stadium cheered for her.

No one thought she could do it, or anyone for that matter, beat the Unbeatable Leon after so many years.

But here she was; Galar's Champion.


Three years had gone by, and life was good.

Y/N loved being the Champion, and the region loved her. She and Raihan were doing better than ever, and had recently gotten engaged.

Leon had taken over as the new Chairman, and worked hard to ensure Galar was safe and no threats would ever be made to the region or it's citizens again.

Hop and Marnie now lived in Spikemuth, as Marnie took over as it's gym leader. She opened up the city to everyone who wanted to visit, and with the help of Y/N and Leon, brought a ton of popularity and businesses to the city.

Not to mention with the help of Hop, who was now a professor alongside Sonia, they were starting to expand the city and see if it was possible to find a power spot nearby so challengers could finally dynamax there.

Everyone was happy and things were falling in to place perfectly.

Now that the most recent gym challenge season was over, Y/N had immediately gone back to planning her wedding. The ceremony would be held in Wyndon along with the reception, and they were finally getting in the last few details.

Y/N and Nessa had gotten pretty close over the past year, so she was helping her out with most of the work. Raihan wanted to have an input in his wedding, but didn't care too much as long as Y/N was happy, so he let her plan almost all of it and promised to show up on time.

The last details were coming together, and all they needed was a date. Y/N decided on a spring wedding, therefore they could go on a honeymoon after and have enough time in between the gym challenge season to enjoy their alone time, then get back in time for the yearly preparations.


A few months had gone by, and it was finally the big day.

As Raihan stood at the alter, he watched as his bride, the love of his life, and the absolutely stunning Y/N walked down the aisle in a white, trumpet style, low back, sequin wedding dress that fit her body perfectly.

After he was starting to tear up, she giggled at the sight and wiped his face with her hand as he took it in his and kissed her palm.

Once they both said "I do", the audience cheered and clapped as the two walked back down the aisle and got ready for the party.

It would soon be called the party of the decade, as everyone who was anyone was there.

Champions and trainers from all over the world made appearances; even Piers gave a special performance and did a sentimental rendition of one of their favorite songs, "Until I found you".

The now married couple laughed and danced all night with their family and friends by their side, until the night was soon to be over. As the guests made their way out of the reception hall, Y/N and Raihan had one last dance together, this time alone.

It was one of the most special moments in both of their lives, and it felt like they were the only two people on the planet. Once the song came to an end, they walked hand in hand out of the hall, and said goodbye to their guests as they made their way out to leave for their honeymoon in Alola.


Now, as the seasons changed and the years had gone by, Y/N sat on the front porch of her two story house with her partner Ninetales by her side, as they watch her three children play in the yard with their fathers Pokémon.

Their story together was finally coming to an end, and they both couldn't believe how lucky they had been to find a love as beautiful and special as theirs.

Torn Between Two (Leon x Reader x Raihan) Where stories live. Discover now